Archive for the United States Category

The Healing Power of Your Consciousness

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, Family, Feminism, Food, Friends, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on March 3, 2010 by citizensoulpower
The Healing Power of Your Consciousness

..Dearest Beloved Children of God, You are beautiful and radiant miracles of God’s creation, and God has blessed you with the gift of life, and the gift of choice. You are a divine and holy being, and your essence is spirit, love, and truth.

During this sacred time on the Earth, you are returning Home to the glory of God’s creation. You are blessed beyond measure. How is it then, that so much can feel so difficult during this most sacred time?

This is the time of the great purification, spoken of for eons by native elders and by those who have been keeping the flame of hope for the Earth alive even in the darkest of times.

A new hope and a new light are arising, still in its beginnings, and yet with a vast and glorious purpose which is to free humanity from the bondage of separation and fear. At the present time, it may be difficult to feel anything but fear, as these energies are being released from the bodies, minds and hearts of all of humanity, and transmuted by the greater light that is now present on the Earth.

Beloved ones, a new time is dawning that will one day see the complete liberation of all of humanity from the chains of separated consciousness. You will not lose your individuality, but rather will gain a deep, body level knowing of God’s reality and God’s presence, both within yourself and within all others.

At the present time, there is still much that has yet to occur, and so for many it remains a time of waiting. For others, this is a time of activity and forward motion, because many souls who are here on the Earth to assist during this time are being activated to the next levels of their service to the Divine.

For all, it is a time of transformation. It can be held with love and trust, or with fear, anger and despair. The choice is yours dearest ones, although at times it may be difficult to remember that you have a choice, when events and energies around you are so intense and challenging.

There are points within the process of purification that feel like an impasse, where forward movement appears to be impossible. Some souls are facing this in their lives, and this energy is happening on larger levels as well. The urgent need for major and significant change, and for humanity to come together as One to solve problems, continues to collide with the energies of fear, resistance to change and unwillingness to listen and experience other points of view.

These energies continue to be present within your social, political and economic arenas, and are carried by individuals and amplified by cosmic energies which seek to disrupt the movements toward light that are happening.

You dearest ones can serve as a major bridge and force of healing at this time with your consciousness. It is not possible to be present in all areas at all times, but it is possible for you to hold within your awareness the situations that are unfolding on the Earth. Your major news events are just some of the many arenas in which events are unfolding that need a healing presence.

For example, situations you face at work, that your co-workers, friends and family face, all can benefit from the healing presence of God’s light which can come into even the most difficult of circumstances through love and prayer. It may be difficult for you to face the feelings of helplessness at those situations that you cannot change, but if you are willing courageously face these feelings and move towards the experience of divine love, greater healing can happen for all.

Your consciousness is changing. There is greater telepathic communication happening now among all souls on the Earth, and this is also manifesting in increasingly sophisticated communication technologies that make it possible to connect more deeply with others. This will be one of the greatest tools for the future, as more of humanity awakens spiritually. The force of divine light can travel in an instant around the world, and illuminate all.

As we prepare for the changes ahead, it is useful to remember that all of God’s children are being affected by the spiritual light that is streaming to the Earth from the spiritual dimensions, and also from the embodied light that is being anchored within the physical dimensions of matter. Whether or not people have awareness of what is happening, they are transforming and require tenderness, love and forgiveness.

Beloved ones we wish you all of God’s blessing now and in the sacred times ahead. It is with great gratitude that we send this message at the dawn of humanity’s awakening. With all love and blessings, Amen.

–Mashubi Roche

Check out the work being done at “World Shift 2012”.org

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, Family, Feminism, Food, Friends, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on January 13, 2010 by citizensoulpower

Please read over this material from Deepak Chopra as he describes what he sees World Shift 2012 can become.
Citizen K

Deepak Chopra (physician, spiritual leader, author, and ayurvedic expert) writes of Ervin Laszlo and the WorldShift 2012 movement…

“We are already living in two worlds. One world moves ahead by inertia from the past—like a massive luxury liner drifting at sea—while the other steps into the unknown—like a child entering the woods for the first time. On the front pages of newspapers and on the evening news, the first world gains the lion’s share of attention. A new crisis deepens yesterday’s crisis in Africa or the Middle East. A fresh humanitarian outrage taints a faraway society. One war replaces another. Despite the sameness of these events, they constitute the news of the world as far as the mass media shows it. Yet this world of inertia and non-change is deceptive. Beyond crisis-driven news, another world is rising. In this book Ervin Laszlo maps this new world and its promise—no one I know is more acutely attuned to it.

The first world is a solid wall that looks impregnable, yet behind it people no longer feel protected. They dream of a shift in consciousness, the revolution that needs only to be asked for and it will begin. Material events are but the outward display of consciousness. Paying attention only to the world of inertia and non-change is like dwelling in illusions. In the 1980s the annual May Day marches of massive Soviet armaments through Red Square didn’t reveal that the Communist system was about to collapse. Armies, wars, ecological disaster, unbridled greed and corruption, skyscraper cities springing up like weeds, a deluge of pesticides and pollutants, streams of refugees without a homeland, tyranny spreading violence without check, pandemic disease: these are the fruits of consciousness, too, but a kind of consciousness that is stuck and unable to raise itself above its self-created problems.

What is so admirable about WorldShift is that we are led directly to this diagnosis and then offered a solution that is also in consciousness. Ervin Laszlo joins a small group of deeply versed thinkers who grasp that all experience occurs in consciousness and nowhere else. This insight saves him from the trap of replacing one style of materialism with another. Those on the right who try to impose democracy on societies that have no basis for democracy in their traditions are hitting their heads against an invisible fact: what you aren’t aware of, you can’t change. Those on the left who promote globalism as new partnerships in trade and economics miss the point that the Americanization of the world—bringing rampant consumerism to traditional societies—can turn out to be destructive, not just to valuable folkways but to the planet. Only a shift in consciousness can save the world from impending perils that are also rooted in consciousness.

Fortunately, the second world—the world of timely change—is poised to save the first. People are beginning to confront the world-shaping trends that this book points out so succinctly:

The dispossessed of the earth are rising and won’t be suppressed in their quest for prosperity. The planet’s sustainable resources will be depleted unless human beings find a sustainable way of life in accord with Nature. Materialism has reached its historical apogee and will decline or self-destruct through accelerating degradation of the ecology.

As viewed from the first world, these are such overwhelming threats that the response of governments has been to look the other way or to make little more than symbolic gestures at reform. From the perspective of the second world, it’s no surprise that governments are stymied, because the policies that despoiled the earth can’t be expected to renew it, either by doing less or doing more.

Among his many utterly cogent points, Ervin Laszlo declares that we need a new way to be happy. For me, this is the deepest and most salient point. When an American housewife drives her car to the supermarket, purchases brightly packaged processed food, leaves a full garbage can out on the curb, and sprays a can of insecticide to kill the aphids in her rose garden, none of these actions seem destructive—she’s simply doing the ordinary things we all do in our pursuit of happiness. But happiness based on waste, toxins, depletion of fossil fuels, and endless consumer goods—the paradise we have all chased since the end of World War II—can’t be sustained. Still less can we sustain the massive military forces that serve to shut out 90 percent of humankind so that the privileged 10 percent can promote a worldview that over time will spell the end of their existence along with everyone else’s.

When stated like that, the future seems dire. So it comes as a relief that this handbook for conscious change goes beyond superficial pessimism or optimism, offering instead a new way to be happy. Without a doubt the outmoded world of materialism is leading to greater unhappiness, through pollution, overpopulation, lack of nourishing food and water, and the loss of natural habitats: a sizable percentage of the world’s population already experiences these deficits. Timely change through a shift in consciousness can bring about a new model of happiness based on the principles of higher consciousness. The Indian spiritual teacher J. Krishnamurti, not one for blithe cheerfulness, used to say, with justice, that to live beyond the simple needs of a modest house, good food, a few well-fitted clothes, and other necessities was not to become more happy. Quite the opposite. To the extent that we look outward for happiness, the final result will be boredom, stagnation, and bitter disappointment.

WorldShift is about an outer world built on inner realization. Such a world is possible, as this book shows, and indeed is already being born in the hearts of millions of people. The front pages of newspapers and the evening news on CNN aren’t reporting this shift, but scientist-philosophers like Ervin Laszlo have already laid a foundation upon which magnificent edifices may soon rise. Higher consciousness, which has been evolving through human beings for centuries, is seeding a garden of hope and promise.”

Deepak Chopra (physician, spiritual leader, author, and ayurvedic expert) writes of Ervin Laszlo and the WorldShift 2012 movement…

“We are already living in two worlds. One world moves ahead by inertia from the past—like a massive luxury liner drifting at sea—while the other steps into the unknown—like a child entering the woods for the first time. On the front pages of newspapers and on the evening news, the first world gains the lion’s share of attention. A new crisis deepens yesterday’s crisis in Africa or the Middle East. A fresh humanitarian outrage taints a faraway society. One war replaces another. Despite the sameness of these events, they constitute the news of the world as far as the mass media shows it. Yet this world of inertia and non-change is deceptive. Beyond crisis-driven news, another world is rising. In this book Ervin Laszlo maps this new world and its promise—no one I know is more acutely attuned to it.

The first world is a solid wall that looks impregnable, yet behind it people no longer feel protected. They dream of a shift in consciousness, the revolution that needs only to be asked for and it will begin. Material events are but the outward display of consciousness. Paying attention only to the world of inertia and non-change is like dwelling in illusions. In the 1980s the annual May Day marches of massive Soviet armaments through Red Square didn’t reveal that the Communist system was about to collapse. Armies, wars, ecological disaster, unbridled greed and corruption, skyscraper cities springing up like weeds, a deluge of pesticides and pollutants, streams of refugees without a homeland, tyranny spreading violence without check, pandemic disease: these are the fruits of consciousness, too, but a kind of consciousness that is stuck and unable to raise itself above its self-created problems.

What is so admirable about WorldShift is that we are led directly to this diagnosis and then offered a solution that is also in consciousness. Ervin Laszlo joins a small group of deeply versed thinkers who grasp that all experience occurs in consciousness and nowhere else. This insight saves him from the trap of replacing one style of materialism with another. Those on the right who try to impose democracy on societies that have no basis for democracy in their traditions are hitting their heads against an invisible fact: what you aren’t aware of, you can’t change. Those on the left who promote globalism as new partnerships in trade and economics miss the point that the Americanization of the world—bringing rampant consumerism to traditional societies—can turn out to be destructive, not just to valuable folkways but to the planet. Only a shift in consciousness can save the world from impending perils that are also rooted in consciousness.

Fortunately, the second world—the world of timely change—is poised to save the first. People are beginning to confront the world-shaping trends that this book points out so succinctly:

The dispossessed of the earth are rising and won’t be suppressed in their quest for prosperity. The planet’s sustainable resources will be depleted unless human beings find a sustainable way of life in accord with Nature. Materialism has reached its historical apogee and will decline or self-destruct through accelerating degradation of the ecology.

As viewed from the first world, these are such overwhelming threats that the response of governments has been to look the other way or to make little more than symbolic gestures at reform. From the perspective of the second world, it’s no surprise that governments are stymied, because the policies that despoiled the earth can’t be expected to renew it, either by doing less or doing more.

Among his many utterly cogent points, Ervin Laszlo declares that we need a new way to be happy. For me, this is the deepest and most salient point. When an American housewife drives her car to the supermarket, purchases brightly packaged processed food, leaves a full garbage can out on the curb, and sprays a can of insecticide to kill the aphids in her rose garden, none of these actions seem destructive—she’s simply doing the ordinary things we all do in our pursuit of happiness. But happiness based on waste, toxins, depletion of fossil fuels, and endless consumer goods—the paradise we have all chased since the end of World War II—can’t be sustained. Still less can we sustain the massive military forces that serve to shut out 90 percent of humankind so that the privileged 10 percent can promote a worldview that over time will spell the end of their existence along with everyone else’s.

When stated like that, the future seems dire. So it comes as a relief that this handbook for conscious change goes beyond superficial pessimism or optimism, offering instead a new way to be happy. Without a doubt the outmoded world of materialism is leading to greater unhappiness, through pollution, overpopulation, lack of nourishing food and water, and the loss of natural habitats: a sizable percentage of the world’s population already experiences these deficits. Timely change through a shift in consciousness can bring about a new model of happiness based on the principles of higher consciousness. The Indian spiritual teacher J. Krishnamurti, not one for blithe cheerfulness, used to say, with justice, that to live beyond the simple needs of a modest house, good food, a few well-fitted clothes, and other necessities was not to become more happy. Quite the opposite. To the extent that we look outward for happiness, the final result will be boredom, stagnation, and bitter disappointment.

WorldShift is about an outer world built on inner realization. Such a world is possible, as this book shows, and indeed is already being born in the hearts of millions of people. The front pages of newspapers and the evening news on CNN aren’t reporting this shift, but scientist-philosophers like Ervin Laszlo have already laid a foundation upon which magnificent edifices may soon rise. Higher consciousness, which has been evolving through human beings for centuries, is seeding a garden of hope and promise.”

Precious Mama Earth is 70 percent Water and so are all of us !

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, Family, Feminism, Food, Friends, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on November 24, 2009 by citizensoulpower











Brothers and Sisters,

Precious Mama Earth is 70 percent Water and so are all of us !
Check out this profound documentary on what the powerful elite world bank is attempting to do to the worlds water supply….
See how you can support the positive alternative in your community !

Citizen K

Watch the Trailer

The Zeitgeist Movement: Orientation Presentation

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, Family, Feminism, Food, Friends, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on October 18, 2009 by citizensoulpower







Brothers and Sisters,

Please enjoy this piece by Peter Joseph on his phenomenal, worldwide acclaimed “Zeitgeist Movement”.


This Film Will Free Your Mind !

Peace / Citizen K

Read a Book from Perceval Press… and Educate against Community Gang Stalking

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, Family, Feminism, Food, Friends, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on September 16, 2009 by citizensoulpower


Brothers and Sisters,

Our read a book page has been updated with a number of selections from our friends at Perceval Press. We hope you enjoy their diverse offerings and please keep up the good work informing your fellow citizens on the horrific crimes of Community Gang Stalking.

Many Blessings

Citizen Soul Power

Link  to Perceval Press

Read these Comments for Clarity on Community Gang Stalking..

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, Family, Feminism, Food, Friends, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on September 5, 2009 by citizensoulpower


Brothers and Sisters,

Below are two comments sent in by fellow citizens, just two of hundreds received at the Citizen Soul Power Website.

These responses represent two very plausible reasons for “what and why ” Targeted Individuals are forced to endure so many criminal activities. The constant daily Human Rights Violations , Physical as well as Physcological Torture that is used by the gang stalkers to bring them under control must be brought to light.

Please read both of these and contact your local representatives and congressman to bring awareness to these issues.

Also watch the attached video to better understand what Targeted Individuals are subjected to and where some Strategies of Gangstalking have come from.

Many Blessings

Citizen Soul Power

It’s a systemic system of control. The lie is to make people think that this is being done by criminals, when the truth is our society has become corrupt, and this is being used as a form of control.
(To control those who step out of line.)

Many people start being harassed in the workplace, school, and other places and never realise the wider picture of what is
happening to them. This is not just a few people in society doing this, this is a system wide form of control. If you are not
aware of it, you likely won’t believe it. I am just starting to understand this myself.

From lawyers, to judges, police, firemen, state workers, corporations, general workers, many take part, or are told to take
part, forced to, bribed to, blackmailed into these corrupt happening. The stuff online is confusing on purpose to stop people from figuring out what is going on. You then get some targets saying it’s Masons, other that it’s scientologist, others that it’s Zionists, others that it’s religious fanatics, others that it’s KKK, it’s all of these groups, because large chunks of society are a part of this systemic system of control.

Think Cointelpro, with McCarthyism, but taken to the max, throw in some MK ULTRA and then you slightly begin to understand what is going on. You get police that know exactly what is ongoing, and then you get the few cops who really don’t know, the
same is true for every other portion of society, many know what’s going on, and are too scared to say anything, because to step outside of this societal system of control is suicide.

Some places to check out.
Tim Fields had started to look into the workplace mobbing version of some of this, before he died.

These two TI (Targeted Individuals got a dose of the controlled system when they stepped out of line)

Other targets have fled Canada, America, the UK, only to find that this is a systemic system of control. Meaning it’s almost

everywhere. Do you really think organised criminals are going to go to that much trouble? This is an organized systemic

system of control, that seeks to disable those who are not conforming, those who get out of line. Unfortunately guess who

fall into this category? Whistle-blowers, independent thinkers, activists, dissidents, people who go out of the norm and
accidentally piss off corporations, single individuals, because no one then has access to them , or control of them. (Many of
them are also highly independent and intelligent individuals.)

Targets who have fled.

Many of these sites and people are out there to confuse targets so that they have no idea what is happening until it’s too late.
These lies are spread so cleverly that most people will not see them for what they are. You get 95% truth, and then 5% of lies. That’s why it has been so hard to figure out what was going on.

This is a system of control that has been in place for some time. That is also why many targets find that friends, family, close people to them are taking part, many of them are already a part of this system of control, that tracks, monitors, watches, and keeps tabs on it’s people. Think the former East Germany before the walls fell. (You get target after target reporting the same thing, if you want to just think Cointelpro, where they also enlisted friends, family, neighbours, coworkers, etc)

Others who experience this call it different names. Eg. Journalists who get a similar form of this call it the buzzsaw.

Stephen Knight before his death wrote about the Brotherhood and how Masons use a similar structure to get even with their enemies.

Same methods are used by cults, or some religious establishments on ex-members. The stalking, life disruption, systemic destruction of lives and reputation.

By itself these examples might lead you to believe it’s this group or that group doing it, but it’s not, we have a systemic structure in place that is doing this.

From high-school/colleges/universities with the bullying of those who are different and not conforming to this system of control. (Unknown to them.) To the workplace mobbing. (Again often unknown to them) To the community aspect that we call gang stalking. (Unknown to many of us, till it’s too late.)

This is happening on wide scale, going by the reports that are coming in. Asian countries, Europe countries, Canada, America.

The research seems to indicate this might be getting stepped up, for a global agenda that involves, the monitoring and tracking of all people from all countries. Using civilian/suburban spies to track and monitor their fellow citizens. Also with the other forms of surveillance we see going up in the UK, the US and other countries. (Cameras, DNA data bases, rif chip cards, biometric readers, future scanning or micro-chipping of populations etc.)

A one world global government, using the citizens of the world to keep each other in line and conforming with the system.

From the civilian spies I have come across, some have no idea of the greater agenda, many think that they are doing the government a favor, others are aware and are scared. Remember going against this system of control means either being socially targeted like other targets, no jobs, socially annexed, or worst.

This same sort of occurrence happened to John Lennon, he also experienced being followed around, and stalked. He said if
anything happened to him or Yuko, it would be no accident. The same targeting apparently may have also happened to other
famous rockers. According to this book. The covert war against rock.

This covert war, this system of control has been ongoing for some time, it’s destroyed many people, and as Targeted Individuals, it’s just one same piece of a much larger puzzle. Most of the disinfo goes into making sure we never trust each other enough, or come together enough to figure it out. That is why our groups are infiltrated, or groups are set up, just to lie to, manipulate people, or to make it seem that something is getting done, but nothing ever get’s, done.

It’s a war against a controlled society. The first part is believing it, then freeing your mind from this control, then trying to find a way to make others aware of what is going on, and then trying to do something about it yourself.

That’s the truth as far as I have been able to discover it, understand it, try to come to terms with it. It’s a horrible truth and realisation, and it’s little wonder, that very few targets would want to believe or accept something like this as truth.

And From

I think there is a lot of correct information here but some misleading such as the goal is to drive targets insane or to suicide. People here seem ignorant to the fact that everything has a financial motive. Again, think financial motive while you read what I say here.

People here should watch The Truman Show and the Bourne Identity and then put it together as what the “program” Jason Bourne had to go through was. You are likely undergoing government spy/mercenary/asset training and do not even realize it. People are born into the government asset program and thus your family and many friends who have been planted in your life will not take part in this stalking because it is not their job to. They are being paid to eventually distance themselves from you as opposed to the stalkers. There is a reason that this has become so prevalant as the government is desperate for spies and homogenizing the population. It costs $50,000,000 to train a government weapon and the money can be better spent on these actors and stalkers if they train many people at once. Yes they may use lies and disinformation on the low level harassers but there is a reason a shadowy person is the leader. They are CIA handlers who keep case files on all of the potential assets. The stalking is part of the training and will be reduced if you are smart enough to intelligently learn from it and respond appropriately. If you cannot handle it then they are okay with you going insane or killing yourself as this stops you from becoming a rogue problematic operative and trying to expose the program. There is a reason the targets are highly independent, extremely intelligent, educated and generally socially isolated. There is no escaping it really when one to two million is being spent on you a year by the government. Unless you want to move to the last remaining hostile parts of the world such as Iran or North Korea, there is little you can do. You may be able to legally sell some of your stories to foriegn embassies and intelligence services but you will have trouble telling if they are playing you. Not to mention doing that will cause the stalking and harassment to be scaled up to the point you will want to leave the country.

Again folks, think about it. The United States is training hundreds of thousands of tools/assets against their will. The stalking causes you to research surveillance, reverse stalking tactics, you in effect have no choice but to become a spy yourself. Think about it!!!

Watch This Video

Cult Driven Gang Stalking or Cause Stalking has become an American Epidemic

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, Family, Feminism, Food, Friends, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on August 28, 2009 by citizensoulpower


What is Community-based Harassment?

Community-based harassment is a grown-up version of school yard bullying. Multiple individuals within a community participate in the harassment and stalking of a single individual. However, rather than attack a victim physically, techniques are used to undermine a person psychologically. This can be far more damaging than a physical attack because not only is it very hard to prove, but it is extremely traumatizing for the victim. (Also known as cause stalking or gang stalking).

What sets community-based harassment apart from the related examples to the right is that the reason it takes place is often obscure to the victim. Without a solid reason for its occurrence, victims are often dismissed as delusional.

In addition, this form of harassment often leaves the target a victim of ridicule among friends and family because of the subtle nature of the attacks, which further compounds the trauma to the victim. It is emotionally draining and isolating to the victims because it is extremely difficult to prove, and virtually impossible to prosecute.

View a video of gang stalking activity. Also, there is a slideshow of stills taken from the video.

Frequently Asked Questions about organized stalking groups.
Why is this Happening?

Although it is difficult for a non-victim to understand, it is not difficult to realize that many schoolyard bullies have never outgrown their unhealthy ways of dealing with conflict and pain.

Reasons may include revenge by people who feel slighted but prefer to remain anonymous. Revenge is more common than you may think, especially with the advent of the internet which allows “revengists” or “avengers” to share their ideas. See or do a search on the word “revenge” to see for yourself.

It is also possible that such harassment has developed into a form of “sport” for the individuals who participate, not unlike a schoolyard bullying situation, which tends to center somewhat obsessively and irrationally around one individual who is perceived to be weak.

It is important to realize that our society’s understanding of human psychology has grown exponentially over the last 50 years, allowing any hate or vigilante group to take full advantage of such knowledge. “Psychological warfare” is the perfect crime, because it causes the maximum damage to the victim, with the least chance of exposure of the perpetrator(s). Victims can very well be driven to suicide, while the explanation appears to be mental illness, so their claims are never investigated.

Related Activities

Other very similar phenomena include:

(1) Workplace harassment (or “mobbing”)

(2) Vigilante style harassment of individuals such as abortion clinic workers, whistle-blowers and activists. Vigilante groups take the law into their own hands. Click here for two articles on vigilante groups.

Bullying of adults by other adults is a phenomenon which is sharply on the rise, as described by the Toronto Star Article entitled “Raging parents: The new schoolyard bullies”. The article states that “compared to a few years ago [this phenomenon] is everywhere”. Parents “can’t control their rage” and “there is mounting concern about parents behaving badly”. The bullying doesn’t take place just one-on-one, but groups of parents gang up on individual teachers in internet chat-rooms by holding “daily instant message bashing sessions about teachers they dislike”. Essentially, the bullying is organized, and the internet is a key tool in facilitating that organization.

“Cause stalking [gang stalking] has been used by extremist groups since the early 1990s. The basic system is alleged to have been developed by the Ku Klux Klan and refined through years of use. The primary characteristic of cause stalking is that it is done by large groups of people. A target will always be followed, but he is unlikely to see the same stalkers very often. Many of these groups include hundreds of people.”

– David Lawson,
Terrorist Stalking in America

What is Technological Harassment? Technological harassment refers to the use of technology to view, track, monitor and/or harass a person from a distance. The technology may include audio and/or video surveillance, GPS trackers on vehicles, and “non-lethal weapons” (NLWs).

“Non-lethal” weapons are available on the internet and through books. See: High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody Anytime for an example of a simple weapon.

See also:
Ultrasonic devices
Revenge devices
Sonic nausea
What do victims experience?

Not all victims experience both gang stalking and technological harassment, but many do.

Community-based harassment includes some of the following:

* Break-ins and small scale vandalism or sabotage
* Daily,repetitive, antagonistic activities involving multiple stalkers and/or vehicles
* Multiple daily phone calls with no one on the other end of the phone
* Noise harassment from neighbors

See or for more examples.

Technological harassment can include:

* Sabotage/hacking of computer equipment and phones
* Use of audio and/or video surveillance to keep track of the target’s whereabouts
* Banging and tapping of walls, windows and objects inside the house
* Vibrating objects, such as bed, chair or body parts
* Inexplicable behavior of anything electronic including TV, computer, car, and appliances (for example, TV turning on or off by itself)

Targets may experience the following physical symptoms:

* Dizziness, weakness
* Frequent headaches
* Extreme fatigue
* Intense, disruptive ear ringing
* Buzzing or clicking in the head, ears or sinuses
* Jolts and jerks to muscles
* Abdominal pain/nausea
* Mental confusion/inability to concentrate

Myths and Facts

Myth #1

Non-lethal weapons don’t exist in the public domain.


See the following for examples of “low-tech” non-lethal weapons:
High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody Anytime
Ultrasonic devices
Revenge devices
Sonic nausea

Myth #2

You have to be important to be a target of such intense and persistent stalking.


This is primarily a hate crime, whose targets tend to be neither wealthy nor public figures. Because the target is often no longer able to hold a job, s/he usually lacks the funds to fight back. What makes this different from other hate crimes is that the target is often not made aware if the reason behind it.

Myth #3

If you think you are targeted, you must be mentally ill.


While delusional thinking does exist, these situations have an identifiable pattern to them. This type of harassment has been modelled on past hate crimes and refined through years of use. It is intended to make the target look crazy. In addition, the activity is so traumatizing that many otherwise “mentally healthy” individuals might easily develop mental health issues as a result of the stalking. Hence, mental illness is not an indicator of whether or not the activity is actually taking place.

Myth #4

If you don’t make them angry, they will stop.


Like bullies in the school playground, they do not go away if you ignore them. Victims have found, to their dismay, that the targeting can go on for years. Exposure is the way to stop them.

A Word About Mental Illness
This situation is often perceived to be mental illness. Differentiating between mental illness and a true multiple stalking and technological harassment situation takes time. Victims may also have developed mental illness as a result of the trauma. As mentioned on various mobbing websites, this activity is so traumatic that it can cause mental illness in an otherwise healthy individual. Therefore, mental illness is not necessarily an indicator or proof that the situation is not happening.

For these reasons, it is important to give a person the benefit of the doubt and to remain open-minded and receptive to the idea that something is happening that is not merely attributable to a delusion. It took many years for mobbing to become publicly acknowledged, and victims of this crime face the same uphill battle.

The Martha Mitchell Effect

When seeing a helping professional, many victims often experience what is known as the “Martha Mitchell Effect”:
“Sometimes improbable reports are erroneously assumed to be symptoms of mental illness (Maher, 1988). The ‘Martha Mitchell effect’ referred to the tendency of mental health practitioners to not believe the experience of the wife of the American attorney general, whose persistent reports of corruption in the Nixon White House were initially dismissed as evidence of delusional thinking, until later proved correct by the Watergate investigation.

Such examples demonstrate that delusional pathology can often lie in the failure or inability to verify whether the events have actually taken place, no matter how improbable intuitively they might appear to the busy clinician. Clearly there are instances ‘where people are pursued by the Mafia’ or are ‘kept under surveillance by the police’, and where they rightly suspect ‘that their spouse is unfaithful’ (Sedler, 1995). As Joseph H. Berke (1998) wrote, even paranoids have enemies! For understandable and obvious reasons, however, little effort is invested by the clinicians into checking the validity of claims of persecution or harassment, and without such evidence the patient could be labeled delusional.”
Click here for source (#5)

Who We Are We are a group of targeted individuals living in Ontario, Canada who have made the decision to help ourselves as well as others by working together on activism projects to expose this crime.

Thanks to the help of our local rape crisis center, we have been able to work at raising public awareness through activities such as presentations and mailings.

Contact Us Due to an extreme volume of spam emails, we are not currently receiving emails via the website. If you live in southern Ontario, and wish to participate in our activism projects, please join the Multistalk forum (listed below). It is run by one of our members, Eleanor White. We also have a second member on the forum, Jane. Either Eleanor or Jane will be able to pass on any contact information you would like us to have.

C.A.T.C.H. Literature
Our Information Package

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge
Our information package was first created for distribution at the Canadian pan-national convention of rape crisis centres in Vancouver in 2005. It is also being used for mailings to introduce ouselves to various groups, including other rape crisis centres, victim’s centres, crisis lines and university women’s centres. There is an appendix that goes with the information package. It contains a list of quotes from David Lawson’s book Terrorist Stalking in America.

Note: The above version of the information package is a web version, which will not print correctly for distribution. See below for a printable version.

Printable PDF Version of the Information Package
The brochure has been formatted as a pdf file for high-quality printing and presentation. If you have access to a printer, multiple copies can be printed and handed out.

You will need Adobe Acrobat to view and print the files. Adobe Acrobat is free.

CATCH Presentations

* CATCH gave a presentation to the Women’s Support Network of York Region (WSNYR) on February 15th, 2006. To view the video online, go to

* CATCH gave a presentation to the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC) on October 20th, 2005. To view the video online, go to

* To view a 5-minute gang stalking video filmed by the leader of CATCH at her home, click here.

* Read the presentation we gave to the workers at the our local rape crisis centre on Monday, April 18, 2005, as well as the feedback they gave us. It was well-received.


“Thank you for making this available to the victims and your work on educating the public. I really felt a breath of fresh air when I heard the presentation.”- Nancy

“I cannot thank you enough for your work in this nightmarish field of gang stalking. Had it not been for you, it would have been impossible for me to have my horrid experiences validated down in Tasmania – Australia’s only island state. Tasmanian Domestic Violence counselors and friends went to your site and finally had at least some idea of the torture I have experienced from the criminals here. It HAS been torture. I do not even know what all has been done to my body. I now have a state DV consultant batting for me and ready to make an issue about legal aid’s dropping me – partially thanks to you! The DV counselors have been great and would not have been as much so without your booklet.” – Deborah

“I have to say that the CATCH video works. I was finally able to get through to someone by showing them the CATCH video. I think the person that I showed it to could relate to the person in the video. I think the person I showed it related to things that were not so obvious. The person that I showed it to was my mother. She has been completely in denial that her son is being gang stalked, or that even such a thing exists. My mother being a teacher, related to the speaker. The speaker was similar in age to her, and looks very much like a teacher would. My mother was also impressed with the organization of the presentation, and the fact that the group is related to the rape victim group. She did not once question the credibility of the speaker, as she came through as credible in the way she presented. She didn’t think the speaker possibly had a mental illness either. I felt that the information presented answered a lot of questions, and the information was presented in a well thought out, organized manner. This single video helped me finally get through to someone. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, as you have no idea how good it felt to see my mothers mind begin accepting the idea that this could be happening to her son (me).” – David

Current Events & News
Are ‘they’ watching?

* CATCH was mentioned in a Peterborough newspaper, April 19th, 2006, in an article on gang stalking: Are ‘they’ watching? [Anne is a member of CATCH]

* There was a follow-up article on May 19th, 2006: Allegation of gang stalking is again being investigated

* One of our members, Eleanor White, was in the Hamilton Spectator Newspaper recently. Click here to see the article.

Photos from Other Activists around the World
Debbie Newhook: 2007-06-18 Activist at work
Community-based Harassment:
High-tech Technological Harassment:

Discussion Groups
(1) Cause Stalking:

(2) Electronic Violence:

(3) multistalk – for victims of gang stalking. Discussion of electronics not permitted in this group. For more info see:
NOTE: According to David Lawson:
These groups are heavily populated with members of extremist groups. They pose as victims… A victim should not confide in the people in these groups because the information they provide will be used to enhance the attack against them.
Online Book Reviews & Excerpts
Terrorist Stalking in America by David Lawson

Gaslighting by Victor Santoro

Victims of Dargle Cottage by Dr. Armen Victorian.

High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody Anytime by Scott French.

Additional Information and Resources at…

What is Community Gang Stalking ?

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, Family, Feminism, Food, Friends, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on August 6, 2009 by citizensoulpower


Brothers and Sisters,

This article will help those of you who are still in dark regarding the vast nationwide network of Gang Stalking that has increased dramatically since 2001. The Targeted Individuals lives are systematically destroyed and it is crucial that we as a people bring as much light to these attrocities as is humanly possible.

One Love

Citizen K

What is Gang Stalking?

Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to control every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Gang Stalking has many similarities to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because the target is followed around and placed under surveillance by groups of organised Civilian Spies/Snitches 24/7.

Many Targeted Individuals are harassed in this way for months or even years before they realise that they are being targeted by an organised protocol of harassment.

What happens during Gang Stalking is very similar to what happened to many innocent individuals in the former East Germany or Activists and Dissidents in Russia. Many innocent people in the former East Germany would be targeted for these harassment programs, and then their friends, family, and the community at large would be used to monitor, prosecute, and harass them. In Russia it was used by the state to declare activist, dissidents or anyone they thought to be an enemy of the state as mentally unfit and many were institutionalised using this form of systemic control.

The closest thing to Gang Stalking that democratic countries have seen before isMcCarthyism, Cointelpro, and RED SQUAD programs. Red Squad programs were used for monitoring, and harassment of various groups and they have been in place for over a hundred years.

Civilian spies are recruited from every level and sector of society. Just like with Cointelpro investigations, everyone in the targets life is made a part of this ongoing never ending systemic form of control and harassment. These actions are specifically designed to control the target and to keep them in line. These actions are also designed to destroy the target over years, make them look crazy and leave them with no form of support.

For the targets of this harassment, Gang Stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time. For the state it’s a way to keep the targets in line, control them, or destroy them.

Worldwide programs of control and conformity have been used with equal success and lethality. What we are seeing now is a global co-ordinated and organised effort of control and conformity. Reports of Gang Stalking are not only coming in from democratic countries, but they are coming in from many other countries as well.

The modern day systemic form of control could only be funded at higher governmental levels, just like it has in other societies where these similar types of harassment programs have been implemented. It’s all part of a system of control and conformity that has been in place for many years. A system of control with many local groups and appendages taking part.

What are other Names for Gang Stalking?

There are many names for this form of systemic control and harassment. Under the Gang Stalking label you will also find such terms as Organised Stalking, Cause Stalking, Multi-Stalking, Community Mobbing, but it’s all part of the same harassment protocol. What many people do not realise is that Gang Stalking is just one appendage of this systemic form of control. There are other forms of control used to repress, and keep individuals in line. Other forms or appendages include, but are not limited to: Mobbing, Cointelpro, The Buzzsaw, Covert War, Electronic Harassment, etc. These are the just some of the names being given to a very old game, that is once again being played by governments on their unsuspecting citizens.

How are targets chosen?

Targets can be chosen because of many reasons. They can be chosen for political views. They can be chosen for whistle-blowing. They can be chosen because they belong to a dissident movement. They can be chosen because they asserted there rights at work. They can be chosen because they made the wrong enemy. Were considered to be too outspoken, unwittingly investigated something that the state did not want investigated, signed a petition, wrote a letter. They were deemed as suspicious by a civilian spy/snitch and their names were handed over.

It’s becoming apparent that targets might be chosen for this systemic form of control, if they are not already in some way a part of this controlled system. Eg. Many Targeted Individuals seem to be unaware that large chunks of our society are snitching and spying on each other.

What are the goals of Gang Stalking?

The goal is to isolate the target from all forms of support, so that the target can be set up in the future for arrest, institutionalisation, or forced suicide. Other goals of this harassment is to destroy the targets reputation and credibility. Make the target look crazy or unstable.

Other goals involve sensitizing the target to every day stimuli’s as a form of control, which is used to control targets when they get out of line.

These people also want to make the targets of this harassment vulnerable, they want to make them destitute. The secondary goals seem to be to make the target homeless, jobless, give them a breakdown, and the primary goals seems to be to drive the target to forced suicide, just like what they did with some of the targets of Cointelpro. It’s a useful way of eliminating perceived enemies of the state.

Who gets targeted?

Targeting can happen to anyone in society. Primary targets in the past have been but are not limited to: minorities, outspoken individuals, whistle blowers, dissidents, people who go up against large wealthy corporations, woman’s groups, (single) women, anti-war proponents, and other innocent individuals. The majority of the targets are often not aware that they are being targeted in this way. When a target moves, changes jobs, the harassment still continues. Every time the target moves, the same lies and slander will be spread and the systemic harassment will continue.

Who takes part?

People from all walks of life are being recruited to be the eyes and ears of the state. People from all races, ages, genders. Every sector of society that you can think of is a part of this. Civilian Spies/Snitches include, but are not limited to: General labourers, the wealthy, bikers, drug dealers, drug users, street people, punks, hip hop culture, KKK, black activists, church groups, youth groups, Firemen, police officers, lawyers, health care workers, store keepers, maids, janitors, cable installers, phone repair persons, mail carriers, locksmiths, electricians, etc. There really is no minimum or maximum age range.

Some of these citizens might be recruited via programs such as, Citizen Corp, Weed and Seed, Citizens On Phone Patrol, (COPP), City Watch, T.I.P.S. Many started with good intentions to help patrol and monitor their cities and neighbourhoods. Others are recruited via their families, others at school, others at work. Since every sector, class, race in society takes part, recruitment is multi-faceted.

Many do not understand or care that the end consequence of this harassment protocol is to destroy a person.

Why people participate in Gang Stalking?

There are many reasons that someone takes part in this activity.

1. Some do it for the sense of power that it gives them.

2. Others do this as a way to make friends and keep friends. It’s something social and fun for them to do. Many in society use the one handed sign language to communicate and it’s very effective in breaking down race, gender, age, social barriers.

3. Others are forced or black mailed by the State or the police into taking part.

4. They are told that they are part of homeland or national security and being used to help keep and eye on dangerous or emotionally disturbed individuals. They see themselves as heroic spies for the state.

Civilian spies can come from a variety of different programs such as the Citizen Corp, Citizen On Phone Patrol COPP, Weed and Seed, T.I.P.S., City Watch or some other centralized government program used for patrolling and monitoring cities.

5. Others are just local thugs or Informants who are already being used for other activities, and their energies are just diverted over into these community spy programs. Eg. Some may be given the choice of Spying for the State or the police vs going to jail.

6. Others are told outright lies and slander about the target to get them to go along with ruining the targets life.

7. Many are however just average citizens who have been recruited by the state the same way citizens were recruited in the former East Germany and other countries. It’s the way the society is.

What are some techniques used against targets?

A few of the most common techniques are listed below.

a) Classical conditioning.

Getting a Targeted Individual sensitized to an everyday stimuli. The targeted individual over a period of months, or even years is negatively sensitised to an everyday stimuli, which is then used to harass them. It’s used out in public to let them know they are constantly being harassed and monitored. Some examples of everyday stimulus that might be used include: sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, loud coughing, loud whistling, loud smacking of clapping of hands together, cell phones, laptops, etc.

b) 24/7 Surveillance This will involve following the target everywhere they go. Learning about the target. Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. Getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street. Monitoring the targets phone, house, and computer activity.

c) Isolation of said target.

This is done via slander campaigns, and lies. Eg. People in the targets community are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched. False files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbours, family, store keepers.

d) Noise and mimicking campaigns.

Disrupting the targets life, sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. Mimicking actions of the target. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time.

e) Everyday life breaks and street theatre.

Flat tires, sleep deprivation, drugging food, putting dirt on targets property. Mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets. These strangers might get text messaged to be at a specific time and place, and perform a specific action.

It might seem harmless to these strangers, but it could be causing great psychological trauma for the target. Eg. Blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit a response from targets. Etc.

Where does the support or funding for this come from?

Though Gang Stalking itself is immoral and unethical in nature, programs such as this in democratic countries, and none democratic countries have always been funded by the Government. They are the only ones with enough money, coordination, and power to keep such a system in place. These Co-ordinated efforts then join hands with others for this systemic form of control and harassment.

“Ruling the community with an iron fist. “Savvy law enforcement types realized that under the community policing rubric, cops, community groups, local companies, private foundations, citizen informants and federal agencies could form alliances without causing public outcry.” Covert Action Quarterly, summer 1997.”

What can you do to help?

1. If you know someone who is being targeted in this way please don’t go along with it. Don’t assume that the person is guilty or a bad person. Many innocent people are currently being targeted, and people are being told lies. This form of harassment is systemic and it’s about state control and conformity. The express goal of this harassment is to destroy the individual over time.

2. If you are aware of someone being harassed in this way, subtly direct them to websites that deal with Gang Stalking, or sites for Targeted Individuals. Knowledge is power.

3. You can subtly offer your support to someone who is being unfairly treated, in very small little ways.

4. You can bring up the subject of Gang Stalking or Targeted Individuals.

6. You can subtly suggest that your local newspapers or community papers print articles about Targeted Individuals or even an write an objective piece about Gang Stalking.

How do participants communicate?

Communication happens in a number of ways. When on the street or in cars patrolling, they use baseball or Stasi like signals.

These include things like tapping the side of the nose, corner of the eye, brushing back the hair 3 times, the infamous double blink, etc.

Here is a list of Stasi signals that the East German Army use to use. Stasi secret police.


1. Watch out! Subject is coming – touch nose with hand or handkerchief

2. Subject is moving on, going further, or overtaking – stroke hair with hand, or raise hat briefly

3. Subject standing still – lay one hand against back, or on stomach

4. Observing Agent wishes to terminate observation because cover threatened – bend and retie shoelaces

5. Subject returning – both hands against back, or on stomach

6. Observing Agent wishes to speak with Team Leader or other Observing Agents – take out briefcase or equivalent and examine contents.

What resources are there?

There are many resources on the Internet and elsewhere about this form of harassment.

Report: 1.

Books: 1. Ward Churchill, Jim Vander Wall “Cointelpro Papers”

       2. Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads and Police Repression in Urban America        3. Anna Funder “Stasiland”        4. Gloria Naylor. “1996″        5. Victor Santoro  “GASLIGHTING How To Drive Your Enemies Crazy “        6. Anthony Brina “Suburban Spies”        7. Stephen Knight “The Brotherhood”        8. Alex Constantine “The Covert War Against Rock”        9. Jim Redden  “Snitch Culture”        10. Frank Donner “The Age of surveillance”        11. Kristina Borjesson "Into the Buzzsaw"        12. Niki F. Raapana "2020"        13. Noa Davenport "Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American WorkPlace"        14. Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski. Political Ponerology:             The science on the Nature of Evil.


1. The lives of others. (A movie about covert investigations in the former East Germany)

2. The Matrix. (Sci-fi Movie.) Neo a target wakes up and realises not only is he being watched without knowing why, but that the world is a lie, that has been created to pull the truth over people’s eyes.

Videos: Cointelpro.





Articles: 1.


Cointelpro: 1.


Websites: 1.



“Wake Up and Live Now” !

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, Family, Feminism, Food, Friends, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on July 29, 2009 by citizensoulpower


Brothers and Sisters,

I was blessed at the tender age of 15 to witness a Bob Marley show in Santa Cruz California . As a Fellow Aquarian my one other clear connection with brother Bob is my profound desire to witness, participate and faciliate as much as is humanly possible in bringing Awareness and Awakeness to all my brothers and sisters.

Brother Bob was a prophet whose vision was undeniable…. His Voice and Guitar were always a better weapon than any Gun.

His work rings true eternally and is as profound today as it was thirty plus years ago.

He was a pure, absolute, natural genius.

That is why like John Lennon and many others he was removed by the Illuminati New World Order.

So Now People, In Brothers Bob’s words

“Wake Up and Live”

” Rise Rise from your Sleepless Slumber ”

One Love


Citizen K

A Good Read for this Fourth of July…

Posted in A Bright Light, America, Announcements, art, Blogging, Children, Community, Crime, Cults, culture, Current Affairs, Democrats, Environment, Events, Faith, gangstalking, Government, Health, History, Human Rights, Inspiration, Leadership, life, love, microwave weapons, mind control, Miscellaneous, music, Nature, Opinion, Parenting, Peace, personal, politics, Random, Reading, religion, sex, speculation, spiritual, Spirituality, Teaching, Tech, technology, Theology, Thoughts, Uncategorized, United States, Women, world, writing, yoga on July 4, 2009 by citizensoulpower


Brothers and Sisters ,

Please give this article by Thomas DiLorenzo , a professor of economics at Loyola  College in Maryland a serious read on this July 4th.

Peace to All Citizen Soul Power

07/01/09 The purpose of government is for those who run it to plunder those who do not. Throughout history, governments have used violence, intimidation, coercion, and mass murder to enforce this system. But governments’ first line of “defense” is always a blizzard of lies – about its own alleged benevolence, altruism, heroism, and greatness, along with equally big lies about the “evils” of the civil society, especially the free market.

The current economic crisis, which was instigated by the government’s central bank and its boom-and-bust monetary policies, among other interventions, has once again been blamed on “too little regulation” and too much freedom.

Will Americans ever catch on to this biggest of all of government’s Big Lies?

When the Pilgrims came to America, they nearly starved to death because they adopted communal agriculture. When William Bradford, leader of the Mayflower expedition, figured this out he reorganized the Massachusetts pilgrims in a regime of private property in land. The incentives created by private property promptly created a dramatic economic turnaround and the rest is history. Most history books ignore this reality, however, and blame the starvation crisis of the Pilgrims on corporate greed on the part of the Mayflower company.

After the American Revolution, it was imperative to build roads and canals so that commerce could expand and the economy thrive. George Washington’s Treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, declared in his famous Report on Manufactures that private road and canal building would never succeed without government subsidies. President Thomas Jefferson’s Treasury secretary, Albert Gallatin, concurred. Meanwhile, private capital markets and the private “turnpike” industry were busy financing thousands of miles of private roads without any governmental assistance. When government did intervene in early-American road building, it was a financial catastrophe almost everywhere, so much so that by 1860 only Missouri and Massachusetts had not amended their state constitutions to prohibit the use of tax dollars for “internal improvements.”

Americans have been taught by their government-run schools that the post-1865 Industrial Revolution was bad for the working class, which made government regulation of work and wages, and the creation and prospering of labor unions necessary. In reality, people left the farms for factories because the latter offered far better wages and working conditions. Between 1860 and 1890, real wages increased by 50 percent in America, as myriad new products were invented, and made available to the common working person thanks to low-cost, mass production. It was capital investment that dramatically increased the productivity of labor, allowing hours worked to decline from an average of 61 hours per week in 1870 to 48 hours by 1929.

Higher worker productivity, fueled mostly by capital investment by entrepreneurs and private investors, also made it less necessary for families to force their children to work. Child labor was on the wane for decades before government got around to regulating or outlawing it. And when it did so it was to protect unionized labor from competition, not to protect children from harsh working conditions.

The “robber barons” of the late 19th century robbed no one. Most of them made their money by providing valuable – if not revolutionary – goods and services to the masses at lower and lower prices for decades at a time. John D. Rockefeller, for example, caused the price of refined petroleum to drop from 30 cents per gallon in 1869 to 8 cents in 1885, and continued to drop his prices for many years thereafter. James J. Hill built the most efficient and profitable transcontinental railroad without a dime’s worth of government subsidy. In return for their remarkable free-market success the government prosecuted both of these men, kangaroo court style, under the protectionist “antitrust” laws. The real “robbers” were politically connected businessmen like Leland Stanford, a former California governor and senator, who succeeded in getting laws passed that granted his company a monopoly in the California railroad business.

The federal antitrust laws were passed beginning with the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 because the government informed Americans that industry was becoming “rampantly cartelized” or monopolized. In reality, prices everywhere were plummeting as new products and services were being invented everywhere. The entire period from 1865 to 1900 was a period of price deflation. As I show in How Capitalism Saved America, all of the industries accused of being monopolies by Congress in 1889-890 had been dropping their prices for at least a decade thanks to vigorous competition. And it was not a result of the idiotic theory of “predatory pricing.” No sane businessperson would intentionally lose money for decades by pricing below cost with the hope that he would somehow frighten away all competition forevermore.

Everyone “knows” that President Herbert Hoover was a staunch advocate of laissez-faire economics, and it was his lack of interventionism that caused the Great Depression. This is the biggest governmental lie in the history of America. Hoover was a “progressive” (as today’s socialists, also known as “Democrats,” have taken to calling themselves).

Hoover strong-armed corporate executives into raising wages at a time when wages needed to adjust downward in the free market in order to minimize unemployment. He devoted 13% of the federal budget to a failed “stimulus” program of pork-barrel spending and imposed some of the biggest tax increases in history to fund it all. He was a protectionist who signed the notorious Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which increased the average tariff rate to nearly 60 percent and spawned a worldwide trade war that shrunk world trade by two-thirds in three years. He cartelized the agricultural industry with “farm boards” that began the insane practice of paying farmers for not growing crops or raising livestock. He pioneered the politicization of capital markets by creating the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. And he ranted and raved against “greedy capitalists” while launching numerous government “investigations” of investors and the stock market. FDR’s top domestic advisor, Rexford Tugwell, said that his fellow New Dealers “owed much to Hoover,” who began many of the policies that they simply extended.

Every time the price of gasoline goes up significantly, Congress convenes a Nuremburg Trial–style inquisition of oil-company executives. This practice began in the 1970s when the government’s own foolish price controls on petroleum products caused massive shortages, and it needed someone to blame. Oil company executives are never praised when gasoline prices fall, as they have in the past year from over $4/gallon to under $2/gallon in many parts of the United States.

Most recently, the current economic crisis is said to be caused by the “excesses” of economic freedom and “too little regulation” of the economy, especially financial markets. This is said by the president and numerous other politicians, with straight faces, despite the facts that there are a dozen executive-branch cabinet departments, over 100 federal agencies, more than 85,000 pages in the Federal Register, and dozens of state and local government agencies that regulate, regiment, tax, and control every aspect of every business in America, and have been doing so for decades.

Laissez-faire run amok in financial markets is said to be a cause of the current crisis. But the Fed alone – a secret government organization that is accountable to no one and which has never been audited – performs hundreds of regulatory functions, in addition to recklessly manipulating the money supply. And it is just one of numerous financial regulatory agencies (the SEC, Comptroller of the Currency, Office of Thrift Supervision, FDIC, and numerous state regulators also exist). In a Fed publication entitled “The Federal Reserve System: Purposes and Functions,” it is explained that “The Federal Reserve has supervisory and regulatory authority over a wide range of financial institutions and activities.” That’s the understatement of the century. Among the Fed’s functions are the regulation of

  • Bank holding companies
  • State-chartered banks
  • Foreign branches of member banks
  • Edge and agreement corporations
  • US state-licensed branches, agencies, and representative offices of foreign banks
  • Nonbanking activities of foreign banks
  • National banks (with the Comptroller of the Currency)
  • Savings banks (with the Office of Thrift Supervision)
  • Nonbank subsidiaries of bank holding companies
  • Thrift holding companies
  • Financial reporting
  • Accounting policies of banks
  • Business “continuity” in case of an economic emergency
  • Consumer-protection laws
  • Securities dealings of banks
  • Information technology used by banks
  • Foreign investments of banks
  • Foreign lending by banks
  • Branch banking
  • Bank mergers and acquisitions
  • Who may own a bank
  • Capital “adequacy standards”
  • Extensions of credit for the purchase of securities
  • Equal-opportunity lending
  • Mortgage disclosure information
  • Reserve requirements
  • Electronic-funds transfers
  • Interbank liabilities
  • Community Reinvestment Act subprime lending requirements
  • All international banking operations
  • Consumer leasing
  • Privacy of consumer financial information
  • Payments on demand deposits
  • “Fair credit” reporting
  • Transactions between member banks and their affiliates
  • Truth in lending
  • Truth in savings

That’s a pretty comprehensive list, the result of 96 years of bureaucratic empire building by Fed bureaucrats. It gives the lie to the notion that there has been “too little regulation” of financial markets. Anyone who makes such an argument is either ignorant of the truth or is lying.


Thomas DiLorenzo
for The Daily Reckoning