Cult Driven Gang Stalking or Cause Stalking has become an American Epidemic

What is Community-based Harassment?

Community-based harassment is a grown-up version of school yard bullying. Multiple individuals within a community participate in the harassment and stalking of a single individual. However, rather than attack a victim physically, techniques are used to undermine a person psychologically. This can be far more damaging than a physical attack because not only is it very hard to prove, but it is extremely traumatizing for the victim. (Also known as cause stalking or gang stalking).

What sets community-based harassment apart from the related examples to the right is that the reason it takes place is often obscure to the victim. Without a solid reason for its occurrence, victims are often dismissed as delusional.

In addition, this form of harassment often leaves the target a victim of ridicule among friends and family because of the subtle nature of the attacks, which further compounds the trauma to the victim. It is emotionally draining and isolating to the victims because it is extremely difficult to prove, and virtually impossible to prosecute.

View a video of gang stalking activity. Also, there is a slideshow of stills taken from the video.

Frequently Asked Questions about organized stalking groups.
Why is this Happening?

Although it is difficult for a non-victim to understand, it is not difficult to realize that many schoolyard bullies have never outgrown their unhealthy ways of dealing with conflict and pain.

Reasons may include revenge by people who feel slighted but prefer to remain anonymous. Revenge is more common than you may think, especially with the advent of the internet which allows “revengists” or “avengers” to share their ideas. See or do a search on the word “revenge” to see for yourself.

It is also possible that such harassment has developed into a form of “sport” for the individuals who participate, not unlike a schoolyard bullying situation, which tends to center somewhat obsessively and irrationally around one individual who is perceived to be weak.

It is important to realize that our society’s understanding of human psychology has grown exponentially over the last 50 years, allowing any hate or vigilante group to take full advantage of such knowledge. “Psychological warfare” is the perfect crime, because it causes the maximum damage to the victim, with the least chance of exposure of the perpetrator(s). Victims can very well be driven to suicide, while the explanation appears to be mental illness, so their claims are never investigated.

Related Activities

Other very similar phenomena include:

(1) Workplace harassment (or “mobbing”)

(2) Vigilante style harassment of individuals such as abortion clinic workers, whistle-blowers and activists. Vigilante groups take the law into their own hands. Click here for two articles on vigilante groups.

Bullying of adults by other adults is a phenomenon which is sharply on the rise, as described by the Toronto Star Article entitled “Raging parents: The new schoolyard bullies”. The article states that “compared to a few years ago [this phenomenon] is everywhere”. Parents “can’t control their rage” and “there is mounting concern about parents behaving badly”. The bullying doesn’t take place just one-on-one, but groups of parents gang up on individual teachers in internet chat-rooms by holding “daily instant message bashing sessions about teachers they dislike”. Essentially, the bullying is organized, and the internet is a key tool in facilitating that organization.

“Cause stalking [gang stalking] has been used by extremist groups since the early 1990s. The basic system is alleged to have been developed by the Ku Klux Klan and refined through years of use. The primary characteristic of cause stalking is that it is done by large groups of people. A target will always be followed, but he is unlikely to see the same stalkers very often. Many of these groups include hundreds of people.”

– David Lawson,
Terrorist Stalking in America

What is Technological Harassment? Technological harassment refers to the use of technology to view, track, monitor and/or harass a person from a distance. The technology may include audio and/or video surveillance, GPS trackers on vehicles, and “non-lethal weapons” (NLWs).

“Non-lethal” weapons are available on the internet and through books. See: High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody Anytime for an example of a simple weapon.

See also:
Ultrasonic devices
Revenge devices
Sonic nausea
What do victims experience?

Not all victims experience both gang stalking and technological harassment, but many do.

Community-based harassment includes some of the following:

* Break-ins and small scale vandalism or sabotage
* Daily,repetitive, antagonistic activities involving multiple stalkers and/or vehicles
* Multiple daily phone calls with no one on the other end of the phone
* Noise harassment from neighbors

See or for more examples.

Technological harassment can include:

* Sabotage/hacking of computer equipment and phones
* Use of audio and/or video surveillance to keep track of the target’s whereabouts
* Banging and tapping of walls, windows and objects inside the house
* Vibrating objects, such as bed, chair or body parts
* Inexplicable behavior of anything electronic including TV, computer, car, and appliances (for example, TV turning on or off by itself)

Targets may experience the following physical symptoms:

* Dizziness, weakness
* Frequent headaches
* Extreme fatigue
* Intense, disruptive ear ringing
* Buzzing or clicking in the head, ears or sinuses
* Jolts and jerks to muscles
* Abdominal pain/nausea
* Mental confusion/inability to concentrate

Myths and Facts

Myth #1

Non-lethal weapons don’t exist in the public domain.


See the following for examples of “low-tech” non-lethal weapons:
High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody Anytime
Ultrasonic devices
Revenge devices
Sonic nausea

Myth #2

You have to be important to be a target of such intense and persistent stalking.


This is primarily a hate crime, whose targets tend to be neither wealthy nor public figures. Because the target is often no longer able to hold a job, s/he usually lacks the funds to fight back. What makes this different from other hate crimes is that the target is often not made aware if the reason behind it.

Myth #3

If you think you are targeted, you must be mentally ill.


While delusional thinking does exist, these situations have an identifiable pattern to them. This type of harassment has been modelled on past hate crimes and refined through years of use. It is intended to make the target look crazy. In addition, the activity is so traumatizing that many otherwise “mentally healthy” individuals might easily develop mental health issues as a result of the stalking. Hence, mental illness is not an indicator of whether or not the activity is actually taking place.

Myth #4

If you don’t make them angry, they will stop.


Like bullies in the school playground, they do not go away if you ignore them. Victims have found, to their dismay, that the targeting can go on for years. Exposure is the way to stop them.

A Word About Mental Illness
This situation is often perceived to be mental illness. Differentiating between mental illness and a true multiple stalking and technological harassment situation takes time. Victims may also have developed mental illness as a result of the trauma. As mentioned on various mobbing websites, this activity is so traumatic that it can cause mental illness in an otherwise healthy individual. Therefore, mental illness is not necessarily an indicator or proof that the situation is not happening.

For these reasons, it is important to give a person the benefit of the doubt and to remain open-minded and receptive to the idea that something is happening that is not merely attributable to a delusion. It took many years for mobbing to become publicly acknowledged, and victims of this crime face the same uphill battle.

The Martha Mitchell Effect

When seeing a helping professional, many victims often experience what is known as the “Martha Mitchell Effect”:
“Sometimes improbable reports are erroneously assumed to be symptoms of mental illness (Maher, 1988). The ‘Martha Mitchell effect’ referred to the tendency of mental health practitioners to not believe the experience of the wife of the American attorney general, whose persistent reports of corruption in the Nixon White House were initially dismissed as evidence of delusional thinking, until later proved correct by the Watergate investigation.

Such examples demonstrate that delusional pathology can often lie in the failure or inability to verify whether the events have actually taken place, no matter how improbable intuitively they might appear to the busy clinician. Clearly there are instances ‘where people are pursued by the Mafia’ or are ‘kept under surveillance by the police’, and where they rightly suspect ‘that their spouse is unfaithful’ (Sedler, 1995). As Joseph H. Berke (1998) wrote, even paranoids have enemies! For understandable and obvious reasons, however, little effort is invested by the clinicians into checking the validity of claims of persecution or harassment, and without such evidence the patient could be labeled delusional.”
Click here for source (#5)

Who We Are We are a group of targeted individuals living in Ontario, Canada who have made the decision to help ourselves as well as others by working together on activism projects to expose this crime.

Thanks to the help of our local rape crisis center, we have been able to work at raising public awareness through activities such as presentations and mailings.

Contact Us Due to an extreme volume of spam emails, we are not currently receiving emails via the website. If you live in southern Ontario, and wish to participate in our activism projects, please join the Multistalk forum (listed below). It is run by one of our members, Eleanor White. We also have a second member on the forum, Jane. Either Eleanor or Jane will be able to pass on any contact information you would like us to have.

C.A.T.C.H. Literature
Our Information Package

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge
Our information package was first created for distribution at the Canadian pan-national convention of rape crisis centres in Vancouver in 2005. It is also being used for mailings to introduce ouselves to various groups, including other rape crisis centres, victim’s centres, crisis lines and university women’s centres. There is an appendix that goes with the information package. It contains a list of quotes from David Lawson’s book Terrorist Stalking in America.

Note: The above version of the information package is a web version, which will not print correctly for distribution. See below for a printable version.

Printable PDF Version of the Information Package
The brochure has been formatted as a pdf file for high-quality printing and presentation. If you have access to a printer, multiple copies can be printed and handed out.

You will need Adobe Acrobat to view and print the files. Adobe Acrobat is free.

CATCH Presentations

* CATCH gave a presentation to the Women’s Support Network of York Region (WSNYR) on February 15th, 2006. To view the video online, go to

* CATCH gave a presentation to the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC) on October 20th, 2005. To view the video online, go to

* To view a 5-minute gang stalking video filmed by the leader of CATCH at her home, click here.

* Read the presentation we gave to the workers at the our local rape crisis centre on Monday, April 18, 2005, as well as the feedback they gave us. It was well-received.


“Thank you for making this available to the victims and your work on educating the public. I really felt a breath of fresh air when I heard the presentation.”- Nancy

“I cannot thank you enough for your work in this nightmarish field of gang stalking. Had it not been for you, it would have been impossible for me to have my horrid experiences validated down in Tasmania – Australia’s only island state. Tasmanian Domestic Violence counselors and friends went to your site and finally had at least some idea of the torture I have experienced from the criminals here. It HAS been torture. I do not even know what all has been done to my body. I now have a state DV consultant batting for me and ready to make an issue about legal aid’s dropping me – partially thanks to you! The DV counselors have been great and would not have been as much so without your booklet.” – Deborah

“I have to say that the CATCH video works. I was finally able to get through to someone by showing them the CATCH video. I think the person that I showed it to could relate to the person in the video. I think the person I showed it related to things that were not so obvious. The person that I showed it to was my mother. She has been completely in denial that her son is being gang stalked, or that even such a thing exists. My mother being a teacher, related to the speaker. The speaker was similar in age to her, and looks very much like a teacher would. My mother was also impressed with the organization of the presentation, and the fact that the group is related to the rape victim group. She did not once question the credibility of the speaker, as she came through as credible in the way she presented. She didn’t think the speaker possibly had a mental illness either. I felt that the information presented answered a lot of questions, and the information was presented in a well thought out, organized manner. This single video helped me finally get through to someone. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, as you have no idea how good it felt to see my mothers mind begin accepting the idea that this could be happening to her son (me).” – David

Current Events & News
Are ‘they’ watching?

* CATCH was mentioned in a Peterborough newspaper, April 19th, 2006, in an article on gang stalking: Are ‘they’ watching? [Anne is a member of CATCH]

* There was a follow-up article on May 19th, 2006: Allegation of gang stalking is again being investigated

* One of our members, Eleanor White, was in the Hamilton Spectator Newspaper recently. Click here to see the article.

Photos from Other Activists around the World
Debbie Newhook: 2007-06-18 Activist at work
Community-based Harassment:
High-tech Technological Harassment:

Discussion Groups
(1) Cause Stalking:

(2) Electronic Violence:

(3) multistalk – for victims of gang stalking. Discussion of electronics not permitted in this group. For more info see:
NOTE: According to David Lawson:
These groups are heavily populated with members of extremist groups. They pose as victims… A victim should not confide in the people in these groups because the information they provide will be used to enhance the attack against them.
Online Book Reviews & Excerpts
Terrorist Stalking in America by David Lawson

Gaslighting by Victor Santoro

Victims of Dargle Cottage by Dr. Armen Victorian.

High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody Anytime by Scott French.

Additional Information and Resources at…


123 Responses to “Cult Driven Gang Stalking or Cause Stalking has become an American Epidemic”

  1. cat (pam h. ) Says:

    it’s real ! and if you act stupid , they will reveal the whole range of stalking tactics …. just act like it’s going over your head ..


  2. That happened to me by several neighbors who live at 7480 Sombrilla Ave. In Atascadero, CA by Stuart, Sherry, Troy and Lisa, and got help from homeowners across the street and next door.

    They pounded on the walls day and night, stalked and followed me, had other friends follow me and found out where i moved to after moving out of that apartment.

    • There is no help for victims of gang stalking. You have to make your own justice. But if you are pushed in a corner you must protect yourself by any means necessary. No atty, government agency, God or anyone else is going to help you. Take your anger to your perpetrators and not innocent people. You know who and where they are.

      • Kelly, your information is invaluable to me. Today I was going to look online and see if a private investigator could help me in my gang stalking. It would cost me $5000.00. I realize from your statements, that it would be a waste of money and give me negligable results. Bruce

  3. I have been a victim of gang stalking also. This crime needs to be stopped. Gang stalking tactics and cult tactics are similar. If anyone wants to get their story on the radio please contact me at

    My personal story is at:

    • carmela Says:

      Hi my name is Carmela Gomez and i would like to tell my story. You can reach me at 505-903-8018 at your convienence. THANK YOU look forward to hearing from you!

  4. I am a victum of gang stalking and I have and am terrorized for the last two years and four months. I get no help from the Justice system. Someone sleeps in my house every night, follows me (many people) and they want to make me look like I am delusional.
    What can I do?

    • Roberta Steinberg Says:

      There are things you can do to exposed and close down this very criminal organization! Don’t despair, we ( a small group of victims) know who is harassing you and what you can do about it! Please contact us at We are here for all victims, we can and will help.

      • I am going to contact you. I have been a victim for two plus years and has driven me from my city, my wife and kids. The vandalism, theft, false gossip, death threats, phone and computer hacking and last but not lease planting pestilence on my property, which has caused me to have a disease, has made me a bit scared. As human beings that they are, my church people have been sympathetic, but distant. My name is Bruce Robinson and I am at (707) 4643295. Please call anytime. Thank you.

  5. Birgit Ferguson Says:

    I have been gang stalked since 1998 after I became a victim of a violent crime and the perpetrator was not prosecuted due to his political ties and this person has used extremist Christian cults to stalk me. I incurred a heart attack due to all the stalking and was even harassed and stalked by this group in the hospital. My livelihood has been taken away from me and I was befriended by someone and moved to Naples Florida and current being psycho terrorized 24×7 in Naples, Florida. These people intimidate me with all what I say and do in my home. This person always visits all the churches in the area and gets them to participate and visits the neighborhood associations to commit the crimes against me. These people even pretend to be Christians and try to get all private information from you and pretend to be victims also to just stalk and harm you. It has ruined my credit, my life and health. I consider the stalking I have incurred in the City of Naples Florida attempted murder upon my life. I know all the electronic vicious attacks being carried out, I have incurred everyone of them. The police seem to aid and abet these criminals in the state of Florida, when I went to report someone breaking into my car and tempering with my brakes they did nothing. It is done by high powered bullies who use their badges and government position to gang stalk women. Even the assembly of God has participated in this gang stalking. These people think it is funny and not meant for criminal intend. There is nothing funny about this abuse and violations of civil rights. I have lived as being human trafficked by these people now for 10 years. Every job is being visited and employers are told they will not be prosecuted and to make me angry, wanting to make sure I have another heart attack. I call it attempted murder carried out in the city of Naples. These people told me I will have nothing bu suicide left in the end, in my case the police was part of this abuse. I would put Naples on the list of a stalking vicious community.

    • sheri steltemeier Says:

      I believe you. L.A. county Sheriff Lomita Station is filled with vigilanties who are causing deaths here in California. They sponcer hundreds of reserves who are nothing but abusive terratorial people and some are very rich political members. Sorry to here that your a long time victom too.

  6. Christian and a Target Says:

    I am also a recently enlightened target, of about 12 years, and I am being gangstalked at church, the last place on earth I expected such evil.

    This unknown news of gangstalking infiltration in churches needs to be spread to all Christian hosting websites!

    May the Lord bless you.

    • Julia Murray Says:

      Am a Christian too- tho initial stalking & EM attacks happened outside of a church environment,happening on my street & in my house, the practice is widely denied, ignored, and as others here have said, there are perps within the church itself. This has been my experience. This was the experience of a Pastor called Richard Wurmbrand in Romania during the Nazi era and then under Communism, when it was illegal to be a Christian.You could even say its a form of brain washing in itself to oppose everything that we are taught is true, is good,in order to oppress someone. Presumably other Christians are willing to do this because they are led to beleive they are helping to ‘ out’ someone about whom lies have been told. Not unlike in the Reagan era when it was beleived that creating nuclear weaponry would ‘help’ God in His eventual destruction of evil.( Am speaking as a person in the UK ) It is shameful, it is repugnant. Yet there needs to be a way to actually present what is happening, surely, to those who will listen.

  7. Birgit Ferguson Says:

    This evil has perpetrated our churches, homes a communities and pastors are getting faith based money to harm whistle blowers and they seem to gladly accept it. At times they are the instigators and authors of it. These pastors are being bribed to abuse children of God if they are on the hit list of corrupt officials in the State of Florida. It needs to exposed. Yesterday when I left my home, my brakes failed, certainly had a few of those incidences by now. These people are very slick and try to cover it up. I was fortunate to have survived this attack again and the police refuses to take even a police report. It was not pleasant to have my brakes fail. They know a KIA has brakes problem and they honed in on that immediately as my car was being entered into every night. It has happened on my VW, Toyota and Honda I had, two of them had brand new brakes. A woman called me the day before and as always mentions what evil is about to befall me as failing brakes, the next day mine did. CNN should do a special on this group stalking and its victims. I think there are a lot of us true Christians being stalked by what I can only call cults and psycho extremist in law enforcement, churches and government by being told their doing their patriotic duty by abusing and trying to kill victims of crime, whistle blowers and witnesses of criminal abuses of Florida officials. Florida needs to be put national on the map for having allowed this abuse and having a governor who participated in the abuse. God bless you too and say a prayer for all of us who are being community stalked by some very sick individuals in this country. We worry about civil rights abuses in China, they better start looking into Florida and the rest of this country.

  8. It is amazing how integrated this stalking is. The church who had me stalked and harassed here and was paid for it, one of their praise team members is a counselor at the David Lawrence Center. I guess they got their tips how to stalk for a vile corrupt evil man from his book. They certainly have made the Lords house nothing but a den of thieves.

  9. Brian K. Chamberlain Says:

    I live In Perrysburg, Ohio, USA. I am a victim of Cause Stalking. I have been incarcerated in Jail, and mental institutions. I have been placed on drugs I don’t need. Aside from suicides and murders created as a result of the harrassment, these spinelss weaklings have committed a crime that will help in our efforts. Some of my medical care was paid for by Insurance Companies. I bet they would like some of their money back. To find out they have been forking out millions in the USA as a result of extremist groups harrassing people and the medical industry not believing the victim? Yes I think we have a way. It will probably not happen in our lifetime, but let’s lay the ground work. I don’t plan on being a hero. But I will die with satisfaction.

    All in this effort start explaining more in depth about who, what, when, and where, and what reason why. If the reason why is not known explain that it is not known.

    I do not know for sure who my Stalkers are, and it could be for any number of reasons. I recognize one lady, and remember seeing her when I was as young as ten years old. One guy I see with her quite frequently. there are many of them. They follow me in many different states as well.

    I have been drugged. I am woken in the middle of the night in a sleep like state often, and another form of harrassment I ave been dealing with for close to 11 years that I know of is messages being sent to my radios, and TV. I just recently received my Ham radio lisence, and one morning while listening to Sirius Satellite radio, soem sent my Call sign in Morse code over the radio. The quality was very bad, which makes me belive they haven’t go the money they once had, to buy equipment to break in to sat radio like they do two band am/fm.

    I understand your pain people. I am not crazy, and nor are you. We must die with satisfaction. I am all for the deletion of these threats to human peace. I ask we pledge their deaths or ours. That is what they want from you, why not give back the same? I’m simply a “crazy loner”. No one is going to help me.

    • sheri steltemeier Says:

      I believe you. We will exposes them.

    • I agree 100 percent! If they are trying to kill you, do the same to them! Just make sure you go after the perpetrators and not innocent people. When these bastards start dropping like flies this shit will stop.

      • Not alone Says:

        Don’t go after them in anyway other than by surveillance and a lawyer. First thing to do is to get evidence. Place cameras in your car. So you can catch them on tape outside. Take a camera with you if walking and record, very cheap these days buy on eBay or any shop also memory on eBay is mega cheap. Get a surveillance app you can then link to any laptops you have and liked very record . Basically it’s important you use it this way as if it is hard wired they can turn off the electric and trust me they are well organised. So any activity can be seen and recorded live. Putting a camera in your home will result in it being broken or deleted. So live feed is very important. Your iphone or blackberry tablet pc all have these apps. Record once you have evidence you can go to the police, but save online and in hard copy first. Email to the government departments and media and then go to the police. Always report with 100% evidence as there’s no point otherwise. Their goal is to make you seem crazy and if it’s a cult they may have members lined up to be in place for a psychological assessment and say you are insane. Then they will ask you to join or begin real worse stalking on the pretence you are certified insane. So beware never react and do not lose it they cannot harm you and will try every trick in the book. Ignore their behaviour get a wireless dingle and go on Internet and log all details and evidence with a lawyer. Your mobile email etc can all be hacked so as soon as you know you are being stalked use only that new Internet and new phone number. Some say they will break in and move your items and cause small damage, ensure you have the live feeds and then if anyone does get them arrested. Again do not react ignore and get evidence they will be outed in time. Remember you are not alone.

  10. Martha O'Quinn Says:

    This is definitely real. However, many who do come forward with claims are mentally ill. It’s very easy to tell from the real and the fake. If anyone is sincerely looking for help, understanding & support, feel free to contact me:

  11. Martha O'Quinn Says:

    This is definitely real. However, many who do come forward to make claims are mentally ill. It’s very easy to determine the real from the fake. If you are truly interested in help, support & understanding e-mail:

  12. People being stalked all have very similar stories. The 24 hour surveillance and continues harassment that increases in severity follows a distinct pattern. You might find these sites interesting. . A documentary that aired on PBS describing how torture was legalized in the United States. Democracy Now website: story describing fusion centers and terrorism liaison officers, the Maryland ACLU site: story describing how the ACLU sued to have peaceful protesters removed from the terrorism watch list and from databases connected to that system. Form your own opinion.

    • I know people who not only live in Maryland, but some worked for the super secret National Security Agency – which likes to portray themselves as protecting America. The State of Maryland is thoroughly corrupt and has for many decades always defended criminals against consumers in such industries as insurance, who feel its their right to defraud Maryland citizens out of services. Unfortunately, the local town, city, and state authorities are part of a fascist police state where you are routinely denied your civil, legal, and Constitutional rights. In favor if the rich and/or powerful and/”connected”. The NSA has with the help of the Fusion Centers and corrupt law enforcement (the only kind there is in Maryland) built a network of people to stalk, harass, slander, libel, threaten, rough up/physically assault, vandalize, psychologically attack, and trump up criminal accusations and charges against: reporters, critics, and even Federal employees (among others) who “dare” report others to the PROPER authorities (internal OR external) who are engaged in corruption; theft; fraud, waste and abuse; sexual abuse; abuse of power and position; and even treason. There is a criminal cabal of managers at NSA who protect each other and other Federal bosses in the DC area who wield their power improperly and criminally. NSA Security forces directly plan, coordinate, and participate in some harassment – especially of their own employees. But they coordinate Fusion Center, police, and militarized neighborhood watch dupes (paid in under the table services) to augment their efforts to destroy the career, the professional and personal reputation, finances, emotions, and mental health of those brave patriots who would report corruption and betrayal by government personnel of their duties to God and country. Your tax dollars go to this illegal and seditionist war against America and honesty. We’re talking millions of dollars to criminal, anti-American activity. The people who run his effort have been identified in the press as L. Kemp Ensor III, Kemper Moog, and the Amrhein clan – all incestuously related Maryland families controlling the NSA Q Group Security group for their own purposes, i.e., creating a for-hire army of brown shirt thugs to intimidate or uf that fails, to destroy do-gooders. The psychologists they use in Q group, such as already identified in the press “Dr.” Dina Wieczynski (Owing Mills, MD) and “Dr.” Marianne Moran (Laurel, MD) are bottom of the barrel, immoral and dishonest psychologists who are willing to sell their services to the highest bidder frankly because their career records are less than stellar (severe ethics violations) and no one else will hire them. So the most degenerate and depraved subhumans are indeed behind this evil.

  13. michaeline jones Says:

    Thank you so much for your information. I am a victim of gang stalking too, and since recently coming acrossing information on the internet, I am beginning to understand many of its tactics and why gang stalkers do it. Before learning of all the available information, I thought I was just having years of bad luck. But now, everything has become clear to me and now, since the government monitor my internet activities, government volunteers have beef up their tactics. They poisoned my pet cat, they broke one of my tv’s and now in Oakland County, MI they are assisting my former spouse in trying to undue our divorce settlement of 1994, so I will have no income. My medical information has been given to community members and I have been force to live in total isolation. I have two daughters, but I have not heard from them in years. Church leaders are participants of gang stalking too, Because of their greed to be tax-exempt, they will not preach against gang stalking. I have had horrible experiences with them. I learned they receive monetary rewards for their efforts (see the presidents executive order 13397 & author Nancy Levant’s article on executive order 13397 too). I am alone for the holidays, but thanking Jesus for watching over me and for the information & websites I am learning about.

    I agree, this satanic movement must be expose. I believe some of those folks participanting it it have no idea what they are really a part of. I have noticed, though, that a favorite of the the government’s recruitements are prophets. The government seems to recruite those folks spiritually gifted in churches. Those folks will prophesy to the government about you and your business, but they will not prophesy to you about them. They are loyal to the government’s evil tactics to destroy one another, especially those folks who won’t make it their God. What happpen to the body of Christ and loyalty to it?
    Now, I truly understand the Bible phrase (and I am phrasing), “The gates will be narraw, many won’t make it in”). I thought my case was the worst, but I recently spoke with a man who shared with me the damage they did to his family and him. He is in court right now trying to prove his case. He suffers extreme medical damage, a family member died from tactics and slander is rapid in his community about him. I can see the sinner’s participantion, but not Christians, especially if he/she loves the Lord, Jesus Christ. And especially if he/she have confess their sins to Christ and desire to be like him. No amount of money or monetary rewards can cause me to take lightly or insult the pain Jesus suffered for me.
    I have experience gang stalking at msu and hud housing organizations. Every employee with them are not evil, but they lack enough strength to stand up against evil doers. Gang Stalking has nothing to do with God or the Patriot Act, it’s Hate, and if it is not stopped and sent back to hell from where it originated, behaviors in our communities and churches will worsen.
    Keep me in your prayers and please keep in though, like other websites I have visited, the government will block my visits.
    Michaeline Jones
    conyers, ga
    (248) 872-6032

  14. citizensoulpower Says:


    Many blessings to you , may you continue to find peace in your daily life through meditation and devotion to the One.
    The on going struggle to shed light on these horrible acts remains my highest goal and it is through contact with other citizens like yourself that we as a people will bring Community Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment out into the light.

    If you need someone to listen and to offer you support through this experience please contact my website again and I will send you my phone number.

    Many Blessings Sister

    repeat this mantra when needed

    “All is full of Love”
    “All is full of Love”
    “All is full of Love”….

    Citizen K

  15. announoumous Says:

    Harrass these bastard retards right back. Fight back anyway you can. Gangstalking is terrible, americans are losing their minds to do this. YOU must fight to the end. Give them hell.

    • I agree with you about fighting back and giving these bastards HELL because that is the only thing that they understand is HELL so lets send them home. Do unto them as they do unto you.

  16. I am a victem as well. I have been aware for some time and started doing research on the web. The reality is that most people know about cause stalking. Victem’s are kept in the dark. This is an international issue. This is being done by our own government’s. They use many different front groups, and many people involved have no idea of the scale of what is going on. They may feel that they are part of a smaller elite powerful group or even think they are a countermeasure to where the goverment policing falls short. This is aided by the lies and slander and the victem having no way to defend themselves or state there case. The groups can tell there members anything and since there is no communication with the victems by the various “gang” members there is little a victem can do, if they are even aware of what is happening.

    • sheri steltemeier Says:

      sheri from L.A. says I have a great story to help exposes L.A. county sheriff Lomita station… shut doun their civilian survailence team AKA The Bird Dogs/some firemen toooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! sponcered and run by residents and police.

      • sheri, I live in Riverside County, Ca Just east of LA County, and the Sheriffs here are the same, I have given them no less than 10 perp houses, a hire hit business, names, lic #, pixs of cars, pixs of my injuries,and they absolutely will not arrest anyone!

      • Sheri Steltemeier Says:

        wow what the heck is going on? I am guessing it is our own Government? illuminati? glad it won’t work out for them. : )

  17. Yes, they will gangstalk you at church. There isn’t anything low enough for these scoundrels.

    My gangstalking church story is that for years, at different Catholic Churches and mass times, there would always be a pair of slightly younger than myself ladies who would try to sit near me. At the point in the mass, where the congregants shake hands and exchange the phrase “Peace be with you”, they would always immediately leave. Very, very infrequently at mass, do Catholics leave before this exchange and the communion which follows. (And these would ALWAYS be different yound ladies! They used dozens and dozens of different young ladies in these set-ups!)

    I never feel safe going to church any more. Gangstalkers don’t want their victims strong and well. And church is a place of contemplation, refuge and renewal. I believe there will be a special place in hell for gangstalkers.

    For years, believers were paranoid that the government would take away their right to worship. Well, it is here. There are scumbags infiltrated into the churches who will gladly take away your right to worship in peace.

  18. Don’t let these people discourage you from attending church. They want to isolate you from anyone who would provide any support or comfort. The idea is to stress you out in public and then fabricate stories about you. I have found that the public bullying will decrease if you carry a small digital camera with video and sound capability. I used to get mobbed everywhere I went before I started carrying a camera. As far as the electronic harassment there is more information coming out everyday. There is a wireless taser that works by ionizing an electrical path in the air. The ionized path allows an elctrical pulse to travel towards the intended target without any wires. It works by tetanization which causes muscle contraction. It can be tweaked to cause pain, muscle twitching or literally freeze a person in their tracks. The patent is held by HSV technologies in Washington state. My advice is to keep a detailed record of unusual events and harassmnet. Review it at a later date. By doing so you will be able to sort out what can be attributed to bad luck from what is an obvious pattern of harassment.

  19. A very interesting story appeared on the Keith Oberman show regarding NSA whistle blower Russel Tice. The two part interview can be viewed online on the MSN website. Mr. Tice revealed that American citizens with no known terrorist or criminal ties were being put under surveillance 24/7 and their personal information placed in NSA databases. Information such as phone and financial records were being stored. He stated that data mining sweeps may flag innocent remarks or activities (ex. phone calls less than two minutes long etc.)and flag innocent individuals to be put under surveillance.

    • Karen Stewart Says:

      I know he is right – I work for NSA. See my post. NSA has arranged harassment, stalking, etc against me as well for the most vile and evil reasons on THEIR part.
      NSA should be dismantled, the people running the Security group are psychopaths… and I mean that literally.

  20. This shit happened to my family back in 01 ish, they put my sister in an institution, I still don’t know why. I think their motivations had something to do with Satanism. We would get weird calls playing soundtracks to pornography late at night, she had her house broken into several times. Her cat came back one day with a large burn on its head, it was dead within a week. the was a bunch of other weird shit too, most of which I have put out of my mind, it’s hard to believe that people can be that evil. But yeah, I never learned the actual term for it till yesterday. In a way it was a relief, but also stressful because it conjured all that shit up again. What a group of lifeless ignorant people, there is a special place for them.

  21. I also have experience the full treatment but thought it was because people believed the lies they spread. It unfortunately, is escalating so I know that it has to be people with a plan. What they don’t realize is that they are part of the plan also and when the “biggies” are through using them to carry out the dirty work they will become fodder for the same treatment. I ask them aloud if they could stand it. Make them think! I think we should all get a slogan and everyone wear it and put it on our cars. I hope you all and I make it through with the only ONE we can put our trust in.

  22. Karen Stewart Says:

    I’m a woman in her 50’s – just shy of retirement and am at present being gang stalked by my lovely neighbors in Long Reach, Columbia, Maryland. I work for the National Security Agency and a few years ago was one of two primaries on a really big project that saved amny, many American Military lives from a hidden threat. For my efforts, my big Office Chief Bob G. (S2J)decided to MIScredit MY work to that of the branch whore (Rita L.) in order to get her promoted and service him and other managers (black jag “TPMST”) when they wanted. When I found out and asked the IG to look into it, I did not realize that “Vitto” was more mafioso than anything. A false security breach was lodged against me by cronies of the bad guys, and the FBI was set upon me. After months of investigation – NO EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING could be found. But that did not stop the harassment. NSA decided to use their Security people and private contractors to harass and stalk me. When I complained they were ready with the “you’re delusional and paranoid” routine, we will have to demand you get “treatment”. When my mental health “treatment” indicated NO delusions and NO paranoia, they went into the neighborhood slandering me to everyone. Neighbors and the mail carriers rifle thru my mail and steal anything they think might help me. They wiretap, gps track, poisoned a watch dog/pet (dead), “bright”, “anchor” me, play convoy for me, etc. And my “Christian neighbors” are at the forefront. I guess it offends God that I am a hero who saved many military lives and did like having my work stolen to promote a harlot. Goodbye America… the world will miss your light. Now into the darkness.
    “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are SO UNlike your Christ.” – Gandhi.

    • I live in maryland and am gangstalked as well. Us gangstalker victtims need to pull together please contact me at the

    • Ron Jacobs Says:

      I’ve read your story…I can tell you this, Its not the government harassing you…they want you to believe that with there many faces.
      they are illusionists. Trust me, I used to think otherwise myself….Its a cult called scientology…please email me and ill explain Ron

      • Noni Mausse Says:

        I have interviewed several people in Maryland, several from NSA and one from the Department of Justice. All have been harassed by an associated group in the Columbia-Ellicott City-Laurel area. There is not only definately NSA Security participation, but leadership in the unsanctioned operations. All made the mistake of reporting what seemed to them to be Fraud, Waste and Abuse of a very serious nature, and all were ignored by the proper internal authorities (IG) to whom they were indeed supposed to report such abuses to. There is even a Federal statute called the No Fear Act that encourages employees to report abuses and “garantees” that there will be no retaliation because that is illegal. Well, every single one was suddenly accused of mental illness – the same one – “paranoid with delusions”, stalked, harassed and massively slandered – first at work so that no one would “believe” their original compaint of managerial corruption, then later fake agents (NSA Security imposters) blanketed their neighborhoods conducting purposely slanderous reinvestigation interviews in order to upset neighbors and rally them to take over the stalking and harassing in order to give NSA “plausible deniability” – the agency mantra in dealing with legitimate foreign enemies on foreign soil, which is their real jurisdiction. Pursuit of people – American on US soil is highly illegal. One Security source uncomforatable with such heinous misbehavior admitted that the hate campaign is undertaken in such a way as to provoke violence against the target with the hope that the target will be killled and “the problem” will go away. In the last decade, with the appointment of L. Kemp Ensor III as the head of Security, he has populated Security with criminals and sociopaths in order to create a private army with no soul or repect for the rights of others much less the Constitution. Psych Services has also hired bottom of the barrel psychologists, ones with severe mental problems themselves, or those who are unemployable elsewhere due to incompetence. One was fired from Clifton T. Perkins for “partying” with halucinagenic drugs on premises – stolen from patients. She found lucrative employment at NSA because she declares anyone they tell her to as “paranoid and delusional”. You can read about her in “Neo-Cons Using Shrinks to Purge NAtional Security Agency” by Wayne Madsen. Also see Sherrie Gossett’s article “NSA Accused of Psychologically Abusing Whistleblowers”. You can also google Don Soeken and NSA for another article about how NSA is using psychological abuse to destroy whistleblowers (ones who report to internal authorities). The Howard County Police, Ann Arundel, and Prince Georges County are forbidden by NSA to investigate harassment of people targeted by NSA, and even participate at times. One such detective in Ho Co is Chad Meyers. Another civilian participant in the harassment in this area is Carol Warner-Burke of Columbia, who is a contract psychologist who tthe NSA pays to advise the civilians in regard to how to psyhologically harass a target… fully knowing the people are innocent. After the deed, major participants receive elaborate home improvements on the government’s dime. So, while the government is not behind all of it – it is now a willing participant when “expedient”. And they have all the moeny in the world to spend on such nonsense… one of the reason our economy is in the toilet and will never recover as long as a virtual crime syndicate is in power.

  23. announomous Says:

    I think Michael Jackson was targeted by this group.If you look at what happened to him, you can see why extremists would want to destroy him.

    • Ron Jacobs Says:

      Jackson was targeted by them…he was a member…..they got everything he owned…..
      Church of scientology…they killed him !!!

  24. Concentrate on that which you absolutely have control over. The actions and decisions of others are not in the realm of your control. The guns I sleep next to are not there to preserve, nor take, my life.

  25. Angie R. Coleman Says:

    A guy who I worked with started by going around telling people that he was in love with me.He somehow found out where I live and started doing it around my neighborhood.He originally went around there to find out about me and Who had been with me sexually and things of that nature.He has since gotten transferred from this office. However to date he has not stopped coming into my neighborhood and discussing me even though he states that he is not even thinking about me and is supposedly engaged to someone.He has now started to spread lies regarding my moral character and ruing my repution on my job as well as in my neighborhood. Please note that we have never dated and barely spoke to one another. He has gotten people in my residential area helping him to insult me. Help me with ideas to get back at him.

  26. hallo this also happens to me in singapore. cos of all harassment and intimidation, they have taken away my livelihood, friends, turn people including my family against me, even my church nt helping me much when i ask them to help me pray or when i seek counselling.

    • Same thing is happening and has been for many years. I actually found a man in my car going through my papers, when i asked what he was doing in my car he jumped up and pushed me out of the way running like a little rat. I found out he was an of duty police officer and was working security. I followed up with a report to the police dept. but they did nothing. This was years ago. Now they enter my home tie the bind cords, i also have a hammer missing with a replacement of one that dose not fit in the tool kit. This was also reported to the police, They were not very nice. The computer and phone also have been targeted. I am keeping the faith the alpha and omega sees everything. what was intended for evil he will turn it for our good.

      blessings, Halo

    • I'm a Japanese T.I. with a working and T.I. experience in Singapore. Says:

      Sacred, I hope you still come to this website, there was overt (not covert) gangstalking going on in Singapore when I was working in Singapore from January 2010 to July 2010. It started with mobbing in an American call center exclusive for Sun Microsystems for which I was working in January 2010. After I came back from Malaysia in May 2010, the perps on me made my thoughts audible to basically everybody around me wherever I went in Singapore (i.e. my thoughts were beamed at/transmitted/broadcast to people around me), leaving only foreign travelers and people who had not stayed in the country for so long unable to hear my thoughts.

      I was harassed, tormented, bullied by people around me who could hear my thoughts wherever I went in Singapore.

      They say that there are directed energy weapons in Ang Mo Kio, which I was not interested in visiting and I have never visited.

      If you are a targeted individual from or living/having lived in Singapore, please contact me.

  27. Yes I can see that MJ was targeted for this too!

  28. I’d like to invite readers to this message board to read a concise yet complete booklet on organized stalking, designed for the public, at this link:

    Click to access osatv.pdf

    I’ve assembled several other booklets on various phases of what OS targets might do to expose these crimes, and cope meanwhile, and readers can contact me at:

    … for the full list of booklets.

    I’m a church-going Christian and I agree that congregations and pastors involved in organized stalking should be outed as quickly as possible.

    I’m aware of a couple of instances where the congregations were fed vicious lies about the targets, the most powerful being the target is a pedophile (used against female targets too.) The stalkers believe they have a special calling to do the Lord’s work and “help the targets come to the Lord.”


    Eleanor White

    • Eleanor

      You don’t know how right you are on this,these ‘christians’ are straight from hell, I have been gangstalked for close to 15 years, I am a loner and make a great target,my bed vibrates, they can attack electronics-electronic components in cars, burn out incandescent light bulbs(witchcraft) I suspect,cause appliances to go on or off, but the biggest thing is that you, the stalking victim, are being judged. They just love to judge people, keep you down always.It’s like going up against an unbelieveably well organized mafia, with members everywhere, from police, fire depts,home depot, etc.What they do is judge you with numbers, maybe it is somewhere in the bible, numbers like ‘666’, but factors and derivatives of that number, and also repeating numbers: 223,332,444.All of my bills will either have numbers like these, either the balance owing, the amount of electricity you consumed in therms, etc. I am serious, I know this sounds crazy.Not to mention the numbers on credit cards, etc.I think these christians think these numbers represent a curse from god that it is their duty to carry out, harassment to these sinners, like out of the old testament.I have been audited by the IRS for the same tax year and return 4 times,I lost over 6 figures for this year, what chance did the IRS have of collecting money? well, finally I have been cleared, the return was accepted, of course the ‘christian’ cpa I used was part of it.Just wondering if you have heard of this particular type of harassment before.

    • sheri steltemeier Says:

      help me help others I wrote a story before I knew about cause stalking. I would like to talk to David Lawson. You and he helped me ytanks

  29. Folks, we have the winners, the new saints of the world. Not once have I read any crime or nuisance committed by millions of volunteers of community oriented policing. Every old school “saints” has been charged with a crime; teachers, police, priest, pastor, even the president. The only reason is zero accountability of these badgeless volunteers. Yet we trust them to covertly police our community in groups of unknown members.

    A small number of these members form corrupted group known as “Gang Stalkers”. Google “Gang stalking” These are for hire groups to harass, smear, vandalism and destroy enemies of their clients.

    How can you tell Gang stalkers from community oriented policing members? You can’t, they are part of community oriented policing. It is an unintended consequence of lack of oversight and/or accountability on the members of these groups.

    • They really do get around; I joined one of the largest so-called ‘Christian’ onling dating/matchmaking services in August 2011 and all of the so-called ‘Christian’ women who contacted me were in on the gangstalking. It’s sad when ‘Christians’ use the tactics of ‘Mengele’. Get it?

      Take heart, fellow targets, God’s judgement is coming and it’s going to be of a scale that is mind-shattering. He has given America over to judgment and the time is fast approaching for Christ to return to take us home – and then for the full measure of His vengeance to be poured upon every nation that turns its back on God – and the gangstalkers and cult abusers that populate them.

      • How can we believe in a God who would allow this to go on in his house???? How does he not help you when you cry out for help?? Seems to me GOD needs to clean house and start helping targeted individuals. I dont see GOD doing anything about it, and wont do anything until we are all dead!!!

  30. Irmgard Kronsbein-Bellchambers Says:


    • Ron Jacobs Says:

      You are absolutely right !!!! They are after everything that you own or that they can get from your credit line and/or identity. ALL of you, check your credit reports,property records. Thet want to run you down,keep you pre-occupied with harassment so they can rob you… who….Church of scientology

    • Good word, yet incomplete, doesn’t quite fill the scope of the extent of all that we are being robbed of.

  31. No Joke… Jesus was Gang Stalked to his death.
    Keep faith and know that those of us being Gang Stalked are experiencing what Jesus did.

  32. Nanashi-san Says:





  33. Stalked and slowly dying Says:

    I knew a legally blind woman, who had just graduated with a Master’s Degree in Social Work. They targeted her to the point that she felt the only way out was to commit suicide, which she did.

    Why in God’s name would they gangstalk her?

    What threat could a legally blind lady be to society? All she wanted to do was to help people as a social worker. Was that the threat?

    For me, my mind, my soul, and my life, those in power and authority in this world have become the perpetrators and disseminators of extreme evil.

    Up to this point, the warfare has been primarily psychological; however, at some point I do believe they will have gained enough power to come after us and put us away in their gulags or concentration camps.

    Kristallnacht is coming again, and the new fourth reich of evil authority with whatever their twisted version of human values may be will do away with those they deem to be either unworthy or uncooperative in their quest to create a satanic new world order.

    May all gangstalking participants suffer indescribably in hell for all eternity, no relief ever, no chance of recovery, eternal loss, eternal pain, just burn, burn, burn.

  34. Nanashi-san Says:








  35. Roberta Steinberg Says:

    Dear Sirs:
    I also am a victim. I have documented information that I would like to send to you. I cannot cut and paste that info here. Can you send me a contact email so I can get this to youi?
    Roberta Steinberg (617)262-1313

  36. chemicals computer and cell phone hacking mobbing lost everything based on lies after making a powerful enemy
    Alan 6035545764 live in Manchester New Hampshire

    • There is so much more to my targeting as well which has continued after moving to York Pa to live with my sister. I am blessed otherwise I would have been living in a homeless shelter.

      Mine started after making enemies with an employer in Nashua New Hampshire who is a powerful wealthy well connected man. I am not attributing it to him. The beginning of it just correlates with an accrimonious depaerture from the job. Somebody tampered with numerous personal causing me to make myriad mistakes which adevrsely affected my job performance.

      This in turn evolved into the many other aspects of targeting including regular attacks from DEWs and economic loss due to numerous lies and slander.

      I am trying to get back on my feet but the objective of these people is to destroy a person completely.

      I have found only God and spirituality in general is the answer. Watch out in New Hampshire, the Live Free or Die state.

      Alan gladsden
      York PA

    • I’d call you personally, but like all (or most TIs) I have become extremely cautious about these things. I admire you for posting your number, and assume you have done so because you feel you have nothing left to lose. I hope you’re okay (more than 2 yrs later). I too made a powerful enemy(s) …my ex-boyfriend who works for a sheriff’s dept along with my ex-husband’s family, who became homicidal after finding out we were married and I was pregnant (long story). They began with a combination of street theatre/mobbing and cell/computer hacking and progressed into electronic harassment, gps, eavesdropping and videotaping, hacking, identity theft, setups, community-based harassment/mobbing/street theatre/gang-stalking…
      In short, everything. Even as I take care of a now two-year old baby. Again, I hope you’re okay.

  37. Did you hear that Dade County , Florida has decided interference with free speech by pulling ads about Islam. This is outrageous and a huge waste of tax payer money will be pent paying legal costs to defend this practice.

  38. Fantastic post,You learn new things each day.

    • I have been a target of these demonic,sadistic,lowlife,coward creeps for over 2 years now. They daily break-in, take things, bring them back, change items with cheap replacements, vandilism, noise, noise, noise, honk,cough,bang on walls, the moment i put my head down at night, knock and bang on windows, when i’m out there are more people that belong to this bully, sleazy operation than real people. When I read about hundreds of people being involved, I think more than 500 usually for me a day. There is nothing interesting about my life, which is me alone now, they have totally isolated me. Job gone, next job gone, friends paid or threatened. Phone hacked, computer hacked, they decide if my emails go anywhere, and whether or not they want me to recieve anything. No more mail, stolen all the time. Have stolen personal papers. Stole my resume disk. Anything that is new is ruined. They put the same stupid canadian commercial when I am watching American station. I sent email to Jane Velez, CNN, now my password to the new email I did at some other location is changed and I don’t know if she sent something back to me. Reck my food, my products, make-up. I don’t know where they dream up the things that happen to me daily, 24/7. They intercept everything I attempt. Cameras, wreck them. All neighbours turn against. They threatened pastor – I cannot go to church. They are in every resterant, every washroom, every subway, every bus, every taxi, every store,walk by my window, creepy people when there is no reason for people to be in the back parking lot, trucks, noisey cars, hooking outside my window, drive by again and again. Every person has said the usual, she is delusional. I pray for mercy. They have basically wiped me out. Total isolation. Cruel acts from people before they make them stay away, no contact. Jane Velez, Nancy, Anderson, Pat Brown, Dr. Bethany (I need her), Dr.Drew,Obama. The websites are cause stalking, organized stalking, gang stalking, also Nicole Kidman (she is involved in violence against women), Ellen, Ellen, Ellen, Jane, Jane,Jane, Dr. Drew. So this hate crime group issue is getting away with this, the intensity, so I am target of the most sadistic, demonic, hatred predators. They hunt me down, bring me down to depths that I believe cannot get lower. I will never get relief if people continue to treat the wrong medical condition. Loss, continual rejection, cruel acts, wiped out – trauma from cruelty, daily harrassement, stalking, chronic feelings of desperation, hopelessness, chronic loniliness, emotional waves of pain that I cannot even name, life is now tradgdy – not one person in my life, huge effor to keep it together- gone – dying slowing of broken heart.

  39. Roberta Steinberg Says:

    Dear Victims:
    We can and will help you. We area group of victims who have information and legal assistance. Don’t despair, we are a small but powereful group of victims who are very informed and want to include other legitimate victims in our group. Email us at
    Help is on the Way!

  40. Ron Jacobs Says:

    For all of you victims…Its time we place a name on all this haraSSment…..Church of scientology.This is the largest cult crime org. on the planet.They harass you becsuse they want what you have, property??? credit ???, identity ??? They use home,road and store theater,harassment,stunts, etc, whatever to screw with me, I will explain what is happening to you.Once you understand, it will be easier to cope with.We are going to shut these less than humans down for good…you can help…email me with your stories…

  41. Donald Says:

    I am a TI: Stalked by over 1000 stalkers in New Orleans Area just from 7/2009 – present. I been stalked since 2001. Have pictures of weapons and wear to buy them. All Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment is rogue police and rogue court protected. There is always a reason for stalking. The person that is being stalked knows why they are being stalked, the stalkers are community policing members of local police. In Louisiana they use any body that the rogue police pick to stalk. Not all police are in on this as two stalkers were arrested in 2009, for impersonating police. Being stalked tell me about it. I may cam help with shielding.

  42. NorthnCalTarget Says:


    If anyone there happens to be or know of others in the SF Bay Area and could drop me a note , it would be greatly appreciated!

    I’m in the East Bay Contra Costa County to be specific.

    Thank you very much,

  43. StopperOfEvil Says:

    NorthnCalTarget :
    I’m interested in in your story..if you care to explain. It will be hard to connect with others in your town, just the way it is for any town.all of us.You just never find anyone close to you.. I do not know why !!!I feel there are a lot less than the propaganda web sites.
    If we were in the 100’s of thousands, word would get out, you agree ??

    Appreciate knowing you. I ts really hard to meet another true victim.They always ruin it !!!

  44. StopperOfEvil Says:

    All Group Stalking is nOT rogue Police
    Perhaps a few.(masons). How do you separate the cults ?..scintology ? masons ? illuminati ???
    Illumunati/CIA,Scientology, Low-Life low -level Masons.Perhaps they are trying to recruit you ??..After all, cults have very strange agendas….They did not just pull your name out of hat !!..You were chosen…something in your character/background ??,bloodline ??

  45. Teri Goldsby Says:

    Since 2003 I have been the victim of a hate stalking.My mobile home is entered every day, and groceries, cat food,birdseed, and household items taken on a regular basis. I lose 1 to 3 gallons of gas a night despite a locking gas cap,and my truck has been repeatedly mechanically sabotaged.All my belongings are subject to either theft or damage,and my home itself has been viciously vandalized. My pets have been hurt or killed,my plants doused with gas or bleach, and Nair and super-glue have been put in my shampoo and conditioner so many times I’ve lost most of my hair.The police and my landlord don’t believe me even when I try to show them what’s being done,and I’m at my wits’ end.I NEED HELP! I know who it is, it’s 2 of my neighbors in the park where I have my trailer, but I can’t get proof. I run surveillance dvds,and they either stop or take them.They’ve somehow compromised my dvr unit, and the cameras never show anything.I’m either going to have a nervous breakdown,or get a gun and shoot them if this is not stopped soon .Seven years of living hell is enough.

  46. I have been a victim for many years. I am unsure how long. I have a website: Unfortunately I have to post sporadically because I still have a few tentacles or ties.

    The term gang stalking, organized mobbing, organized stalking, community mobbing/stalking or whatever you want to call it recently became part of my vocabulary. I hate that it is a part of my vocabulary. Like most TIs, I just want to live a life free of problems. Some days are silent and I think, well, maybe it is all over, but, no, not that easy. Though I wish.

    Make no mistake, this activity isn’t about something, ‘you’ve’ done, it is simply a criminal activity and that is all. It can be started from your employer who wants to establish a mental illness profile so not to pay for the discrimination and wrongful termination claims, it may be started from the community that impacts your employment. I am unsure. There has been little ‘concrete’ revelation related to this. Certainly the employer is involved. Some how this has been kept really quiet. I mean, even Nixon had a deep throat. Nixon couldn’t keep things quiet regarding what he did and Vietnam, but this can be.Strange. But that means there is strong power behind this. I mean, no perps are upset at the harm they have caused people, many people, like in any other genocide. TIs are also workplace mobbing or bullying victims. When that category is added, there are millions of people. No, there is no deep throat, that is amazing. Even though Julian Assange is now a TI, he isn’t able to Wikileak anything. Mobbing is more than just simple revenge. A person just trying to get revenge is not able to get as many people involved as this, though, the network isn’t as large as it seems. It could be wrong, but I don’t think so. I would like to think that, though good people are rare, so hard to run into, if information fell into the right ears, though hard to get it there, they ‘would’ care. But perps do ‘talk’….plenty. So word does get around. Just not the right people I think.

    On my website, I try to suggest and offer not just complaints to the relative few of us who experiences, very few, but I try to offer, honest, solutions. Honest. I think before I post attempting to eliminate mistakes of judgment. Once you except that this is happening, it is a matter of what now. That is if the person is a ‘true’ TI and not a perp posting.

    I have watched a few videos labeled as ‘gang stalking’, suggestion, if it doesn’t show something truly questionable and it is showing nothing more than people in their cars, than don’t post it! It looks ridiculous and is doing more harm to what could turn into a movement that could happen for people later. Post things that truly add to the suspicion of the ‘targeting’. It is possible, but, video is hard. Be patient and vigilante. Carry camera with you everywhere and get one that works good at night. You also must put into context. You have to add comments not just video. As far as movement, one day it will happen, but many will die before it does.

    I certainly have tried to reach out to TIs with no results. I will say, if an organization doesn’t post an actual email or an actual time and place of a meeting, than don’t waste your time with them. They are probably TIs turned perps or just gathering information on you for statistical purposes that aren’t helping you any. A TI organization should have a regular meeting whether or not anyone shows up and will have time and address of meeting posted. Nothing to hide when things are known on you anyway, right? Word to the wise out there. There are TIs posing as perps. My website doesn’t have contact information, I am a little slow with that, but it is coming.

    • Michelle Livengood Says:

      I enjoyed reading your post. It wa both informative and timely. I think that a heightened awareness is imparitive. In addition, if we can collectively ‘Come Together’ – once and for all, instaed of shunning one another due to fear… We could be amazing! 😉 I want to try and be some kind of an activist of sorts, in order to maybe halep enact some new Laws, or whatever?!

      In addition, I agree that there are many people out there, who are perhaps simply ‘Shills’ and are literally ‘Wolves in Sheeps Clothing’ so, I agree, that it’s best to educate people. In fact, there is a guy on ‘YouTube’ who comes off completely coocoonuts and is pretty much insane, in my opinion. But, he is very much into the whole cars thing and the colors and many things that appear looney, to say the least!

      If I am to take the time to show someone a video, I want it to have be credible and have some tangible content that is concrete evidence. Not something that looks like he’s perhaps pyschotic and simply paranoid!

      It’s kind of sad though, it can make you act a little warped. In addition, I truly believe that there is a Demonic aspect to ‘Cause-Stalking’ and I know that the enemy can work on the mind. So, some of these people actually think they’re experiencing thses things, and they may well be, but it does not bode well to show.

      Thanks! 😉

    • Kim Peterson Says:

      Thank you for sharing this information. My name is Kim Peterson. I am a TI living in Kansas City, Missouri.
      I am hoping you will revisit this page and see my comment.
      I would love to get in contact with you.
      I am experiencing similar things and would like you advice.
      My email address is
      God bless!

  47. hi yes Julian Assange is for sure a target of gang-stalking and will be under constant threat and surveillance. Stay strong Julian!

  48. The people primarily involved in the stalking I have witnessed (I was a Corporate Whistle-blower) seem to be members of religious cults whose headquarters and meeting places are in private residences around town. Their hatred for me is genuine and obviously the result of misinformation about who I am. My guess is they’re being told I’m a devil worshiper or something. They often travel in mother-daughter, father-son teams. I heard one child loudly ask what I did wrong and the man said I was “under investigation”. They had been using children to harass me but stopped because it only made me laugh. These people obviously tailor their harassment to the individual target. Next, they used ex-cons and gang-members in an attempt to bully me, also very laughable. The most notable incident happened at a McDonald’s when a couple of bitter, tattooed gang-member types openly talked about putting a contract on my life, going so far as to point at me and call me “The Target”. One of them even mentioned his irritation at having to travel all the way across town to follow me. I had fun mocking those guys that night and, as expected, all they could do was glare and mumble. It was the last time anyone attempted such overt psychological intimidation. It’s obvious these people WAY underestimated the extent of my Narcissism. I actually enjoy playing head games with these pathetic wastes of life because they are so easy to antagonize and it’s really fun to watch their reactions. Which, by the way, says something else important that everyone should take note of: the “foot-soldiers” of these campaigns are NOT intelligent people. Even prisons rats can grasp the basic concepts of action-reaction strategy. So my question is, now that they have stopped the overt psych-ops and moved back to citizen-based surveillance, what is the next step for these groups? Do they eventually give up or just kill the target out of frustration?

  49. Arthur Bogdanove Says:

    I went to this website to find out how to explain gang stalking to the Church. Everytime I bring it up I get scowls or silence or a combination. I did not see any posts about being drugged. That happens to me in many ways, including putting drugs in my food at home and planting drugged food in the store.

    • You are correct. Stalkers use drugs to dumb a person down and make them behave erratically, like they are mentally ill. You must look into electronic locks for your house or apartment, and you should disable the key and only use the programmable electronic part of the lock. If that fails you should use a lock box or large locked container to store you food and drink. And you must be viligant when eating out, As for the members of your church with their scowls or silence, remember they could also be some of the stalkers or maybe they are not interested in your problems. But overall you must use the intelligence God permitted you to combat the situation.

  50. Thank you for your article. I have been gang stalked since moving to Fort Mill, SC Township and Regent Park (the old Heritage USA property) in 2005.
    Please pray that this crime will be exposed and that the innocent targets will receive justice. Many of the targets are the true Christians in our society.
    The perpetrators can be coven, cult, secret society members, church members, criminals and others that have infiltrated into every type of institution and business.

    Christians are told to expose “all” of the evil deeds of darkness. Please pray that all of these covert, hidden, secret, and whitewashed crimes and the rackets that they are also connected with will all be exposed throughout The USA.
    Jesus Christ came to destroy all of the works of Satan, and please pray that all of these evil works of Satan will be exposed, destroyed, and stopped in Jesus’ all powerful Name.
    Thank you so much for your prayers.

  51. Mary Beth Minthorn Says:

    I am a producer at Atlas Media Corp in NYC and we are currently looking for more stories for Stalked Season Two. With the second season, we hope to continue to raise public awareness about this very important issue.

    If you have every been stalked, or know anyone that has been stalked, and you are willing to share your story, please send an email to

    Thanks for watching!

  52. Michelle Livengood Says:

    I too am a ‘victim’ and have recently come to realize that fact, within this past year. Although, I knew that I was being followed, wherever I went and that my every move was tracked, since 2005. However, I thought that it was simply the Insurance Company’s private investigators. Which I was fine with, and righfully so, correct? After all, they’re professionals… So it’s done safely, legally, ethically, and with regard to respecting both my privacy and Constitutional rights – Right? Or, at least the California Privacy Laws, at the very least, correct? Wrong! Unfortunately, my ‘Constitutional Rights’ were violated, and my specific case (Lawsuit) had tampered evidence that was allowed to be entered into a Court of Law, which would have actually substantiated my claims. Instead, there was almost 10 minutes of video footage missing (Edited-Out) and they tampered another piece of footage… to whereas they tried to block-out an actual person who was standing on my property, next to my bedroom window! The clencher was that fact that there were not solely ‘Private Investigators’ who were involved. They were my neighbors (My parents neighbors, but I lived there briefly, once before) and there were at least two of the neighbors who were on the actual video evidence. In deducing the overall scenario, for my situation, I have was able to assess when I became a “Targeted Individual’ and exactly when this terrible crime, against my person, began to take hold of my life. Which is the most chilling component for me, in terms of trust. Because my situation is specifically associated with Medical Doctors, and a major ‘Medical- Insurance-Corporate’ entitiy. In addition to a certain aspect of the ‘Legal-System’ which I am still utterly shocked over, beyond belief. I think I must have cried throughout the day, when I finally realized that certain Doctors were involved! I figured it out because things just didn’t add up and were not making any sense, nor did they have rhyme, or reason. So, I realized that I must have been put onto a Medical ‘Black-List’ of sorts, due to the fact that I could not get Medical care… To save my Life – anywhere – literally!!! it was outrageous, and the treatment was so bizarre and odd, that I did receieve, I thought perhaps the world had gone mad and that people were just cruel and acted Evil, because of the economy and falling on hard times?! I wasn’t sure?! I guess the give-away was when the people acted so unusual and things started to get extremely peculiar, to the point that it no longer made sense. In certain scenarios where they would do their ‘Street-Theater’ is what really started to stand out. along with the blatant rude behaviour, from everyone at all times. Strange, indeed, since I am a friendly person who has also been able to easily make many long-lasting friends from business and travel, and now, not so much. When I finally got the notion to start taking pics of everyone, back, in return,… that’s when they started to lay off a bit while out in public places. Since I will go to the Media, and they know this to be a fact. They have already attempted to poison me, they have broken into my home and stolen atleast three set of Medical Records and an MRI, and they’ve tampered with misc. items, throughout my entire home. They’ve moved furniture as well, so they’ve already pissed me off! And, they know I will go to the Media, in a heartbeat! Alright, thank you, so very much for letting me vent… It’s the first time I’ve ever ‘Posted’ on a public forum, like this one. I’ve posted on FB/YT, but no this type of format, with other ‘TI’s’ as well. I appreciate the time. As you are all aware, it is very disconcering to go through this stuff… So, to have an outlet for people, is very nice. It’s both carthartic for the mind, and healing for the spirit.
    Again, Thanks! 😉

  53. Anyone get a lawyer yet?


    aLAN IN pa

  55. PS I simply exist I have lost everything and yet am hopeful because of God

    • Besides keeping you alive and up under the weight of these thugs, can you tell me just what it is that so called GOD is doing about this? This is going on in HIS house. The church is full of gang stalkers. WHAT IS GOD DOING TO STOP IT?????

      • The lord is going to stop them….and when that great time comes and I will understand why the occurences in revelations are so terrible…do they deserve anything less…many of these people are Fake christians…

  56. Sociologist Says:

    I am a former full-time professor of sociology. I taught at Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster Pennsylvania. I was mobbed in the academia for over a year. Once I filed a complaint with the PA Human Relations Commission and the EEOC I was terminated. Some of the items that were being said about me were: I was a time-bomb, aggressive, unstable, and on drugs. SInce I was an outside to Lancaster, they finally settled on thinking I was Jewish. After being released the harassment then spread into the community of Lancaster and became organized cause stalking. For filing the complaint, which number 60 charges agianst my employer, I was then electonically harassed, set up, and framed for a crime I did not commit in another state. I was driven to the university of Delaware where three security guards accussed me of wanting to blow up the school, and kill more kids then virginia tech. After that I was thrown in jail at 5x the normal bail. The two security gurads and one delaware state cop drove up to my house in Lancaster Pennsylvanis and sacked house. The Delaware state cop then ran up and down my street in Lancaster telling my nieghbors I was dangerous. This same delaware cop is now the chief at the University of delaware. He was promoted shortly from the delaware state police to chief of the University of Delaware. This clown ran into the courtroom telling everybody I was dangerous, and that he feared I was going to bring a pistol in the courtroom. What an idoit! After that they quickly called the newspapers and this one newspaper guy named Ad Crable, who only writes about the mesonic homes, and a strange hunting club, place me on the internet 12x. He is a freemason, and he is currently blacklisting me. They took itemes for the whistleblower case. It finally took a forsenic psychologist at delaware, a judge, and my former attorney to say, “Hey the guys not nuts, he is telling the truth.” A long story short, the judge was pissed. The judge threw the felony charges out. And stated, “I wasn’t dangerous.” He kept yelling at this extension of a cause stalking public defender I had down in Wilmington. I figured the organized cause stalking and mobbing at the college went on for about 2.5 years. I have most of their names documented, I documented everything, and kept journals of their sickness. Also I got the police reports too. In fact I kept methodical notes on all the events. The police reports are saturated with lies, fake witnesses, and false testimony. I have earned three honorable discharges from the U.S. Army, and have never owned a gun in my life. I am not liar. This is a true story. Organized cause stalking and mobbing is a social phenomenon. When I added up the players there appears to be 20-30 people easily involved. There sociopaths and they get off on causing you pain. I believe at the core many of them were Rogue FREEMASONS and EASTERN STARS. It is happening, and the cause stalkers who get involved get off on engaging in it, and disabling people. I believe they have fun doing it. They get off on hurting people and trying to destroy them. They do it for sport and pleasure. I never truely understood what was going on. I kept referring to the harassment as gang rape, but in the past few months I figured it all out. It was mobbing, and organized cause stalking. I believe there are hundreds, if not thousands of people that don’t even realize they are being organized cause stalked until basically it’s too late. Or their driven nuts, incarcerated, institutionalized, or they commit suicide. You are seen as an enemy, and the end result is your termination…

    • God bless you. I never would have understood (or even believed, possibly) your story until I went through (AM going through) a similar situation after getting involved with a police officer – after a divorce from a professor – and going through a custody battle.

    • In the last few months I have, like you, finally realized what was going on. It was so confusing at first and barely escaped being set up as insane. I see the world very differently now, needless to say.

  57. I am a recent victum of “Christain” gang stalking and I am winning! Fight back! Smile, stand tall and confident against them! Post signs about the scandel to the stalkers in your yard and back of your house. Many stalkers are victums themselves of believing that they are doing good. Install good security, own a gun, pepper spray, place baby monitors in your yard so you know when they are there. Run them off! Or go out and work in your yard as normal, making a loud statement that you are not intimidated and so sorryful that they waste so much of there life on you. Be flatered by all the attention you get smile big, flip your hair up and strut your walk! If they threaten your saftey shoot em! and break a window and say you were attacked! Go to bed early at night so they have nothing to see and get up at early and run or walk or do the things that they would stalk you on, they are to lazy to get up that early. Practice the art of illusions and deceptions and play games with them! They drop like flies! Travel and get away. Find a place to stay for a time and show back up at home for a few mintues to a few hours every so often. They get all the “gang” on alert and waste thier time because you are now gone again and again. Do not fear! fight! why because if you fear you will die from fear and not fight. If you fight you will win or at least die fighting and smiling and running and laughing at all the attention and flattery! If you can get away put up a “for sale” sign and leave an empty room so they can see in and it looks like you moved. When you go back stay on an invisible route, shopping at a distance and going to bed early and rising early for a long while. After some time make only small appearences testing each appearance with a plan to escape to waste thier time should they resume thier no life fascination of you. The quicker you tackle this and win the easier it will be. Stalking is an addiction so be warned that these pitiful souls could be so fascinatd by YOU that they sacrifice thier lives on you, poor pitiful no life people. Go girls! Go! Fight like hell and losing is not an option! Living a hell is not an option! Take what you got in life, smile and love the play!

  58. Stop considering yourself victims, just ignore them and move forward bravely. Cause stalking is very un American and they should be ashamed that they call themselves Americans, after all American is the ” Land of the Free and Home of the Brave ” Cause Stalkers are unfit to be called Americans cause they are noting but cowards and disgrace this great country.

  59. Margaret Cone Says:

    I think Gangstalking is too general of a term for these behaviors. I like bullying, cyberstalking and stalking, voyourism and eletronic stalking can be added to the list of behaviors. These people are sadastic cowards who commit these deeds for their own sexual pleasure.

  60. It is good to see so many replies.
    Most of the time I feel like my family and I are the only ones in the world experiencing these things.
    What I really want to know is if anyones stalking and harassment has completely stopped.
    That would give me hope.

  61. Margaret cone Says:

    What organizations have people from sea to sea and across the continent? Gang Stalking has to be done by an organization that already has the boots on the ground and the community to carry out the dasterdly deeds of harrassment.

  62. Dana Winter Says:

    I have been the victim of gangstalking for over 20 years. These people have systematically isolated me from friends, family co-workers, neighbors, relatives, places of business, religious affiliations, girlfriends and virtually every other aspect of my life you can imagine. If the general public understood the depth, the breadth and the general sinister nature and behaviors of these perpetrators, they would track down every last one of these cowardly bastards and tear them limb from limb. Even if I would openly remind myself to stop at a particular grocery store when I arrive at the next town, there they would be in the parking lot waiting for me. They have intimidated everyone of my family members and forced them to cooperate against me, my girlfriends are forced to cooperate against me. Even when I post a profile on an internet dating site they train someone to hook up with me to infiltrate my life and my consciousness. I cannot go anywhere where they are not. They even set me up so that just by going about my daily business by making a split-second wrong choice I would be committing a crime and it would be the exact crime they have been indoctrinating my neighbors and co-workers about. These people are nothing more that cowardly devils in the flesh. They use numerology, Scientology, astrology, lunar phases, electronic pulsing and many more tactics too numerous to go into. For example, they will be pulsing you with a particular phrase or song or idea for awhile and then they will send someone to intercept you to probe your consciousness through casual conversation to see how successful they were by how receptive you were to their electronic signals sent to your brain through elf’s, lf’s, hf’s ultra hf’s and the sort. This shit is endless. I have no family, no friends, no person in this world to turn to, and this is how they have designed it. But make no mistake about it, you are being targeted for a particular reason. And there are too many of these to go into here. Let’s just make it real simple and say that it has to do with the true, Divine Astrology of the universal order of the soul, the book of Enoch and the Watchers, the 12 cycles of the zodiac and the dawn of mankind entering the gateway of the Aquarian cycle and so forth. If you can’t accept this then you will have to find your own answers. God speed to all. Dana

  63. Classic Scientology tactics. If you or someone you know is being harassed by the cult of Scientology feel free to contact me. We can help.

  64. I am forwarding following message to you so that I can have some support from the community:

    I have been a victim of gang stalking for over ten years. It all started with a day rape drug case occurred to me when I was young and the criminal got away from the justice system. my life has been in hell ever since then. i have been set up for so many times to fail. Now there is an ADT person moved in the neighborhood to continue to keep eye on me. I confronted with him today and he couldn’t handle it. He turned around to accused me to the property manager, who has already paying too much unwanted attention to me, and threatened to file restraining order against me. Their trick way is to drive you crazy so no one can believe you any more so that you will be cornered and left alone, until the weak ones to committed suicide, and it happens all the time. therefore, I encourage each one of the victim not to give in to this king NAZI act and fight on, I am with you in spirit!!!

    Blessings to you and see you in another universe,


  65. Sociologist Says:

    Dear Judge Jerome O. Herlihy of the Wilmington Superior Court in Delaware, Dean Harker of the University of Delaware, Attorney General Beau, Attorney General of Pennsylvania, Both governors of Pennsylvania and Delaware. And the U.S. Attorney General the honorable Mr. Holder.
    There were two formal “good faith” complaints filed against Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster pennsylvania. I was not given my “Whistle blower” status by both the state of Delaware and Pennsylvania, and under the Federal Whistleblower Act. I feel I was retaliated against, and organize cause stalked for filing the following formal “good faith” complaints against Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster Pennsylvania. The formal complaints filed against Harrisburg Area Community College were as followed: PHRC Case No.200800802 and EEOC Case No. 17F200960329. I was third professor to be harassed and discriminated against in three years at Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster Pennsylvania. The fourth person in three years if the homosexual is counted, that wasn’t allowed to use the bathroom at Harrisburg Area Community College, and was force out of her field. I appears these organize cause stalkers are targeting the following individuals: outsiders, homosexuals, the outspoken, and whistleblower, or anybody that poses a threat to Lancaster closed minded thought process. I am certain a soldier just doesn’t earn three honorable discharges like myself, and suddenly become nuts, and a liar. When whistleblower come forward, they are special breed. A combination of honesty, and bravery. I formal complaint against Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster was lodge with the Pennsylvania Governors office of the Human Relations Commission in Harrsiburg Pa. A formal “Good Faith” complaint was also lodge with the EEOC. The harassement and discrimination was from May of 2007 to August of 2008. There were 60 counts of harassment/discrimination on the formal “Good Faith” complaint to the Governors office of the HRC and EEOC. It established me as a whistleblower. I had served my country three times honorable with the U.S.Army, and had taken a job with Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster. After seeing two other professors run off, and harassed/discriminated I decided enough was enough. I had spoken to an academic attorney in lancaster, and the attorney advised me to immediately file a complaint with the Pa Governors office of the Human Relations Commission and EEOC. And I blew the whistle on Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster Pa. I had kept track of their harassment for a year. The type of work place harassment i experience is called “academic mobbing”. I was not from Lancaster, but from York Pennsylvania. Once the formal “Good Faith” Complaint was filed, and reached the college in Lancaster strangely a police report appeared at the University of Delaware. For ten months these security guards at the University of Delaware along with a trustworthy witnessed organized cause stalked me. The 55 page time-line, the ACLU helped me construct notes this. The neighborhood watch group on Woods ave in Lancaster assistanced the organized cause Stalkers. One neighbor was calling my simple minded friend and telling her I was dangerous, and to get rid of me. This witch on Woods ave is still riding her email broom up and down the street. This witch is still sending my friend nasty, rabbling, bizarre letters about me. I do not even know her. “Not all the families on Woods Ave in Lancaster are bad.” In fact, some of the families on Woods Ave are very kind, but there are few, that are witches, and engage in these neigborhood watch groups. Almost like the STASI in East Germany. Three weeks before the Governor demanded, that the college answered the 60 counts of harassment and discrimination, the police arrested me, and busted in through the window of my house. On claims, I was dangerous and had weapons. I have never owned a gun in my life, and I am pacifest. Later the police reports were obtained from the University of Delaware. These police reports were riddled with lies. 5 to 6 cell phone numbers were sending me text messages. The volume increased during certain periods. This is charted on the time-line the ACLU had assistanced me in developing. It was electronic harassment and stalking by police. When the security guards from the University of Delaware busted into the house, they went up stairs, and stole college books, piled ex-girlfiends gifts of polo shirts up in the middle of the bed, and three of my U.S. Army medals, laying underneith my beret on the dresser vanished. The Pa state trooper, who called me, three times stated, “I have never seen an investigation like this. 90% of what they had taken didn’t have anything to do with a stalking or harassment charge. this certainly isn’t Pa state trooper protocol. We simply communicate with people. We don’t just come out and get people. This doesn’t make any sense. This is weird. You should get all of your stuff back. They walked right across the street in the afternoon of a summer day, and knew which neighbor were home. I have never seen anything like it. Do you have any guns? This is all been blow out of proportion.” The reason why they took 90% of that stuff is so they could give it to the Harrisburg Area Community College attorney, who had to answer, the 60 counts of harassment/discrimination on the formal complaint to the PA governors office of the Human Relation Commission. They were organized cause stalking me, and engaging in a form of corporate stalking much like a industry engages in when a whistleblower files a formal complaint. Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster, the university of Delaware, and the neighborhood watch groups were engaging in community based mobbing similair to “corporate stalking”. After breaking into the house, and placing bail at 12x the normal amount, these cause stalker quickly called a freemason at the lancaster paper named Ad Crable. This freemason place this professor on the internet 12x with all the lies, that were on the security report from the Unversity of Delaware. Grandpa used to talk about “THe White Glover Treatment” over in Lancaster, but now that we have the internet, and these site, and both sociologist and criminologist we call “White Glover Treatment”: Organized Cause stalking, Organized terror stalking, Organized gang stalking, Corporate stalking, Community based mobbing, and “academic mobbing”. When entering the Wilmington Delaware superior court in late December of 2010 judge Jerome O. Herlihy stated, “Did your attorney even communicate with you at all? He isn’t helping you? where did you get this guy at? Get rid of him. He is no good. What kind of deal did they make with you? Don’t listen him. what did he say? Tell me? What is he whispering? You are not dangerous. There is nothing wrong with you. I am not going to put you in jail. Jail is for dangerous people, and you are certainly not one of them. This weird. What are security guards traveling from Newark Delaware, “the university of delaware, all the way up to Lancaster pennsylvania for? This is strange. You are from Lancaster. You are from York. This doesn’t make any sense.” Of course it doesn’t make any sense Judge jerome O. Herlihy, because neither the public defender communicated with you, nor me in the fact that the forensic psychologist had two evaluation prepared for you. The public defender never explained the police reports from the unviersity of delaware being riddled with lies. The public defender never explained to you this was a very special case. The man was a whistleblower, and this case was based on retaliation. A crime was manufacture. It was illusion based on trickery in order to discredit, silence, and nullify a whistleblower. Typically, organized gang stalkers, community based mobbers, terror stalkers, and organized cause stalker charge target individuals with the following two charges: False stalking charges, and Fake harassment charges. They will you into court, and quickly have you plead guilty without explaining details to the judges. This example above is an example of Malicious Prosecution, prosecutory misconduct, and police misconduct. Consider this an anonymous tip judge Jerome O. Herlihy. And attorney Generals of Delaware and Pennsylvania. I feel as though you should review this case against the sociology professor, who filed formal “Good Faith” Complaints against Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster and give him “whistle blower” status and protection as both state law and federal law provide. Those numbers are as followed:PHRC Case No.200800802 and EEOC Case No. 17F200960329. Dr Robert G. Thompson, a forensic psychologist at the Delaware psych clinic in New Castle Delaware had two lengthy reports you had never gotten to see. I am sure he did not think I was dangerous before my house was raided, when my house was raided, and now two years later. This is old freemason “WHite Glove treatment” trick in order to gain access to one house, and manufacture charges against them. I am sure Dr. Thompson at the delaware psych clinic would support that i wasn’t dangerous, and I was an honest person who simply came forward and blew the whistle on Harrisburg Area Community College in Lancaster Pennsylvania.

  66. I love your site, & appreciate you listing with professionalism..the many differing aspects of both: stalking and gang stalking. Many persons are still choosing to sweep the problematic presence of these awful acts, by these people-under the rug. I am an activist, and can tell you that..I am also more than likely- A prominent TI. Jealousy in my case has played a tremendous part in what these people have been able to get away with. I believe; just as you stated..’Identity Theft’ is a major point of contention for these individuals. And also that… Speaking out against them is the only way to stop this nonsense. Again…I applaud your efforts greatly. Thank you.

    • You are the first person (TI) I’ve come across to mention ID theft as a major component. I’ve had the same experience and am just starting to speak up.

  67. In the locality where i live gangstalkers in churches are as American as water boarding and carpet bombing.Gangstalkers at a well known Baptist church who gush frequently about their love for police hoodlums and how targetted people are actually having problems with authority figures not with police who dont do their duty! Eagle river alaska has hoodlum gangstalkers in local churches who masquerade as christians and deacons and baptist ministers and other denomination ministers and deacons. In the bible it speaks about “Fake” “Christians” so dont be perplexed real Targetted Christians God is on our side he knows the frauds and they are not in the Book of Life!!!!!!!!

    • Even the Federal government is doing gang stalking. The National Security Agency at Ft. Meade, Maryland has coopted their Security group ( Q Group), which is meznt to physicslly protect NSA personnel and property, into a covert intimidation army, which the Howard, Prince Georges, Ann Arundel, and other county police departments are bribed to turn a blind eye to. In return, the pice get all kinds of “toys” from the NSA black hole of unlimited tax money with no accountability whatsoever. NSA also has set up a network of neighborhood watch captains who know they will be called upon to (falsely) tell local halfwits that it is their duty to help stalk and harass someone who NSA CLAIMS (without proof) is a spy/traitor, etc. when the targeted person is almost always an innocent NSA employee who reported fraud, waste, abuse committed by NSA managers – or worse – to corrupt NSA internal authorities like the Security-run EEO and the Security-run IG Office. The unspoken code at NSA is that you seear sn oath to NSA and NOT to the USA. If you are sn honest patriot instead, they try to dedtroy you to protect their criminal kingdom hidden behind “classification” galse flags. L. Kemp Ensor III, psychopathic head of Security, has taken David Lawson’s book “Cause Stalking” as THE How To Bible.

  68. Anybody in Bay Area who wants to get a supportive group together let me know. I am being ambushed daily, working and living in the East Bay and need support, information, help. I have no idea the lie that initiated this craziness, but they are on me 24/7. Really, I am not that interesting, lol. What the hell is going on?

  69. Margaret cone Says:

    I have been a victim of Gangstalking for 15 years:
    Here are some of the things I’ve learned to accept.

    I will never make another friend.

    I cannot speak to my neighbors with out being ridiculed.

    If I tell my family they too will be Gangstalked
    or in the case of my grand daughter I will be stalked by them.

    Law enforcement and the fire department cannot be trusted.
    So, I will never call 911

    We are being stalked by proxey, sometimes duped, sometimes with sadistic relish.

    This is a nationwide or worldwide activity under the umbrella of Unity.

    Thank you for reading this post.

  70. Every post ends in hopelessness. I do not believe in hopelessness. There is help, and there is hope. Pulling together we can find a way. I’ve discovered how to get through each day with laughter, love and peace. Doesn’t matter what anybody else is doing any more. Second objective: Free myself, free others. Only with exposure will it happen. Will you join me?

  71. David Mc Fadden Says:

    Group Stalking….it’s just a bunch of petty, paranoid cops who wish to cover up or silence people who know something that could sully the reputations of other cops collectively. The cops put a “bug” in the ear of a bunch of blockheaded, blue collar union type thugs who tell a bunch of stupid pinheaded females/ she-males, loser slobs to flash hand signals, colors and stupid verbal phrases in order to mentally attack and break down the victim. I have been since 1986 when I witnessed a crime by the Philly P.D. They covered it up and triedd to murder me through a proxy scenerio initiated through an organized stalking campaign….they missed me! The cops in Burlington, Vt have taken the filthy, murderous reigns…..shame on what they have degenerated into.

  72. Tamarra J. Zipperer Says:

    I am a 55 yr. old Disabled grandmother and I have experienced the Terroristic and Bullying with Psychological Trauma from Gang Stalking and Video Voyeurism in the South Georgia area.My interaction with the Internet has been a tremendous amount of educational support and I do apprecate online support such as this to further prove that we as Victims are not “crazy or as mental-ill” as
    those who are the Stalkers and those who commit Video Voyeurism Behaviors! I am so Disappointed and Humiliated in such Illegal Behaviors of supposed to be grown adults who pose such a threat to innocent lives and are such a “poor example” to those who are younger!

    T.J.(Disappointed and HUMILIATED)

  73. Organized stalking victim in the San Diego area for over 10 years, stalking became overt 5 months ago. Sheriff, police, fire dept., Lifeguard dept., FBI, and DHS are all involved in the harassment and gaslighting. Includes workplace mobbing, 5150 abuse, harassment by neighbors and family. The goals of organized stalking are to cause the victim to lash out and go to jail; seem delusional and end up institutionalized; make the victim so depressed they become suicidal. This is real and a massive crime against humanity that needs to be exposed and stopped.

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